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Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, type 2A (MEN2A), Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, type 2B (MEN2B), von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL) and Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1).

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Q: What conditions cause inherited pheochromocytomas?
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Related questions

What causes Pheochromocytomas?

The cause of most pheochromocytomas is not known. A small minority (about 10-20%) of pheochromocytomas arise because a person has an inherited susceptibility to them.

What are inherited conditions that cause malocclusions?

Inherited conditions include too many or too few teeth, too much or too little space between teeth, irregular mouth and jaw size and shape, and atypical formations of the jaws and face, such as a cleft palate.

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What causes inherited diseases?

Genes that are inherited from your parents cause inherited diseases.

Can thought extraction be inherited?

There are many inherited traits and conditions. Thought extraction is not one of them.

How serious are Pheochromocytomas?

Most (90%) are benign tumors so they do not spread to other parts of the body. However, these tumors can cause many problems and if they are not treated and can result in death.

What are the inherited factores that metabolic rates?

inherited factors cause obesity

Is fibromyalgia inherited?

Fibromyalgia is an inherited disorder - yet the cause is unknown and it is not contagious.

What are some disorders that can inherited through genes?

There are countless conditions that be inherited genetically. Well understood disorders include haemophilia, cystic fibrosis and Down's syndrome. Other conditions may be passed on through genes we do not yet fully understand, including various cancers and autism. Other genetic conditions less likely to cause harm include colour blindness and the ability or not to smell freesias.

How organisms are inherited in animals?

cause there there kids

Can constipation be inherited from parents?

Yes and no. A cause of constipation can be inherited from parents, grandparents, etc. Such a cause may be a thyroid deficiency. however constipation is a symptom of many disorders and diseases so it cannot be directly inherited as such.

Why do many inherited conditions result from defective enzymes?

Inherited condition result from defective enzymes because enzymes are proteins and genes encode them.