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A war, greater secrecy and more authority is given during a war.

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Q: What conditions existed that allawed people to inflict such cruelty?
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What conditions existed that allowed people to inflict such cruetly during the holocaust?


What conditions existed that allowed people to inflict such cruelty?

he was a phycotic genious. he was so focused on power that it took over his head. He was a crazy man and sick. He killed 6,000,000 Jews while he was in charge. A mass murderer that's all he was.

What happens to you when you smoke weed and get old?

Smoking anything can result in lung disorders and possibly cancer, in addition to whatever conditions the drug will inflict.

What is a sentence with inflict?

She will inflict upon a car accident tomorrow

What are Roger's strengths and weaknesses in Lord of the Flies?

Roger's strengths include his physical strength and his ability to carry out tasks efficiently. However, his weakness lies in his cruelty and lack of empathy, as shown by his willingness to inflict harm on others without remorse.

Why do murderers disfigure their victims?

Murderers may disfigure their victims to make identification more difficult, to inflict additional cruelty and pain, or to conceal the victim's identity. It can also be a way for the perpetrator to exert control and assert power over the victim.

Did the church ever administer cruelty or unusual punishment?

A better question would be "when did the church not inflict cruelty or unusual punishment?" If by" the church" you mean the catholic, protestant, or Orthodox, (from which all churches basically sprouted out of,) then I can guarantee that their history is full of it. Frankly, without religion the world would have a lot less fighting, torture and wars. Can't we all just get along and be Unitarian Universalists?!

How do you use the word inflict in a sentence?

Despite all the jokes, doctors don't like to inflict pain on their patients.

Use the word inflict in a sentence?

Some people like to inflict pain on themselves.

Why is PETA so protective of animals?

They work for the humane treatment of animals. While they recognize animals will always be killed for meat and it will be hard to stop fur selling and lab testing, they are against cruelty. PETA investigates facilities that are outrageously cruel to animals, and inflict a huge amount of pain on the "specimens". If you went on their website and watched the vids and read about the cruelty, you'd understand. In fact, I reccommend that you do that now.

How do you use the word fortress in a sentence?

"The soldiers defended the fortress as best they could." "The fortress was built to defend again attacks by Viking raiders." "His stoic demeanor was his fortress against the cruelty the world can inflict."

What is a sentence with the word inflict with adjective?

Despite all the jokes, doctors do not like to inflict pain in their patients.