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Q: What conductor thought his head would fall off while conducting?
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Is tissue paper a conductor or a insulator?

A piece of notebook paper is not a conductor it is an insulator

Is a key an insulator or a conductor?

A key would be a conductor. ------------------------------------------------------ That would depend on what the key was made of. Keys made out of metals would be conductors, while contactless plastic car keys would be insulators.

How does one become a subway conductor?

The best way to find out more about becoming a subway conductor would be to contact the transportation authority in the city you would like to work. Another way to find out more would be to talk to a subway conductor while they are not working.

Are scissors conductors or insulators?

Depends on what they're made of, not what they are.Anything made of a conducting material is a conductor, whatever it is.Anything made of an insulating material is an insulator, whatever it is.Material properties - conducting or insulating - is more important than shape.Scissors are generally - but not always - made of metal.And metals are usually conductors, making the scissors conductors.But a scissor might have plastic handles. Plastic is usually an insulator, which would make the handles insulators.

A person whos leads or guides an orchestra or train?

That would be a conductor.

What are the Advantages of air not being a conductor of electricity?

if air is a conductor of electricity ,then everyone will be undergone for great electric shock because air is everywhere . without air we cant live . Air can be a conductor but is a better insulator! An example of it conducting is lightning. If it was not a better insulator we would not be able survive. Another advantage is: the ability to string high voltage wires for the transmission of electricity.

Why is a spatula a conductor?

A plastic spatula is not a conductor, as electricity does not transfer through plastic. A metal spatula is a conductor, since the metal used in kitchenware is often steel (stainless is the most popular), and steel is a conductor. While a better conductor would be copper, aluminum, silver, or gold, steel does conduct electricity.

Remove all metallic jewelry before working around batteries because?

you shouldn't wear it because metal is a conductor of electricity and if somthing went wron when you were workin you would probable be fried

What are a few things one would need to know while conducting business with used car dealers?

When conducting business with used car dealers, it would be useful to know what similar cars are selling for, and what the car sold for new. You can consult the Blue Book for this information.

Tell the best and worst conductor of electricity?

The worst conductor would be rubber and the best metallic conductor would be silver

What is metal that is used in wires that conduct electricity?

Copper (Cu) is the most common metal used in conducting wire. If you have the money the best conductor (excluding super cooled super conductors) would be pure silver (Ag).

Is cheese a conductor?

No. Cheese would not be a good conductor.