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Edward leaves Bella, thinking she will be better off without him. Bella finds her she becomes very close friends with Jacob, who turns into a werewolf. Bella runs into Laurent hiking while he was hunting, he tells Bella that Victoria wants her dead for Edward killing her mate James. Bella hears Edwards vioce everytime that she is in danger, so she dives off a cliff. Alice sees her and tells Rosalie, who tells Edward. Edward thought that she was comitting suicide and succeeded. He cant live without her and tries to get himself killed, but Bella and Alice find him in time.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Edward leaves Bella, and Bella becomes friends with Jacob. I think that the biggest conflict is between the Volturi, and Edward, Bella, and Alice. The Volturi wants Bella to be turned into a vampire or be killed. Edward doesn't want Bella to be turned. In the end, the Volturi let Bella, Edward, and Alice go, after they make a deal that Bella will be turned into a vampire.

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12y ago

Hello! the whole book is the love triangle between Bella, edward and Jacob. Although Bella picks edward in the end, she does kiss Jacob twice- 1st, he forces her to. 2nd, she asks him to, because she thinks it will make him not go and fight the newborns. In the end, she realises that she love edward and wants to be with him forever, and loves Jacob like a brother.

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12y ago

in the middle of the book,almost to the end,Rosalie tells edward Bella was dead,when she really wasnt,so edward almost sacraficed himself for Bella until Bella and Alice stopped him

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Q: What conflict is the book eclipse?
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there is no other name for book eclipse

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August 7th, 2007.

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In the book Eclipse.

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Want to listen to the book eclipse twilight series?

you can search eclipse audio book on