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Q: What conflicts marked jacksons presidency?
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How did the supporters of the state view jacksons presidency?

i dont effin know

During Andrew Jacksons presidency who was his predecessor?

John Quincy Adams

Who hoped to ride Andrew Jacksons coattails to presidency?

Martin Van Buren

What issue threatened to break the US apart during jacksons presidency?

The National Bank; there were disagreements over it during Jackson's presidency.

What was Andrew Jacksons term of presidency?

March 4, 1829 - March 4, 1837

What important change occured during Andrew Jacksons presidency?

end of spoil system

Whose policies controlled the nations money supply during most of jacksons presidency?

the union

What was the major focus of Andrew jacksons presidency?

National Banking problems and the economy

Were there any conflicts or controversies surrounding James Monroes presidency?

no there was not

What important change occurred during andrew jacksons presidency?

The extension of voting rights to all white males.

Andrew Jacksons place of residence after the presidency?

He retired to his estate , called the Hermitage, located near Nashville, TN.

How did conflicts with Britain and France affect the presidency of johns Adams?

He didn't get elected