

What connective tissues that connect the muscles?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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9y ago

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Connective tissue is one which is rich in intercellular substance or interlacing processes with little tendency for the cells to come together in sheets or masses. Aponeuroses is the connective tissue that connect muscles to muscles .

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9y ago
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Q: What connective tissues that connect the muscles?
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Connective tissues called tendons connect muscles to bones.

What are 5 types of soft tissue?

Muscles: Tissues responsible for movement and support. Tendons: Connective tissues that attach muscles to bones. Ligaments: Connective tissues that connect bones to other bones within a joint. Fascia: Connective tissues that surround and support muscles. Adipose tissue: Fat tissue that stores energy and provides insulation.

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The fibrous tissues are the ligaments, slightly elastic strands connecting the bones.Other connective tissues include the tendons (connect muscles to bones) and fasciae (connect muscles to muscles).

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What are ligaments and tendons'?

Ligaments are strong bands of tissue that connect bone to bone. Tendons are tough connective tissues that connect skeletal muscles to bones.

Does connective tissue connect tissue?

Connective tissue connects tissues to tissue. A good example is muscle (a tissue) connecting to bone (a tissue). The tissue that does THIS is called a tendon. A tendon connects muscles to bones.

What are the four basic connective tissues?

Connective tissue properLooseDenseFluid connective tissuesBloodLymphSupporting connective tissuesCartilageBoneFluid connective and Supporting connective tissues are Special connective tissues

What type of connective tissue is damaged when you lacerate your index finger tendon?

When you lacerate your index finger tendon, the type of connective tissue that is damaged is the tendon itself. Tendons are dense connective tissues that connect muscles to bones, and they play a crucial role in transmitting the force generated by muscles to produce movement.

What are Dense fibrous tissues that connect muscle to bone?

Dense fibrous connective tissues that connect muscle to bone are known as tendons.

What do tendons do?

Tendons are fibrous connective tissues that connect muscles to bones. They help transmit the force generated by muscles to move the bones and joints. Tendons also provide stability and allow for smooth and coordinated movement of the body.

Tendons and ligaments?

Tendons are connective tissues that are seen at sites where a muscle is connected to a bone. Ligaments are stronger connective tissues that connect bones to other bones.