

What conributions did Galileo newton make to astronomy?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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astronmy / stars planets univers / I have no clue / do you?

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Q: What conributions did Galileo newton make to astronomy?
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How are the works of Galileo and Newton related?

I think that Galileo died during the same year Newton was born. Galileo Also Discovered Intertia Leading Isaac Newton To Make The First Law Of Motion Using What Galileo Had Discovered Hope this helped :)

What important contribution did Newton make to the science of astronomy?

Newton invented the reflector telescope in the 1680's.

What scientific advances did Newton and Galileo make?

Galileo realized that the force of friction between materials opposes materials.

What subjects did galileo teach?

Galileo did tutor students. He worked as a private tutor in Florence where he continued to make experiments on his own

What was the big coincidence between Isaac Newton and Galileo?

Issac Newton was a guy who made gravity and helped Galileo make gravity when he made the telescope I know you are a kid so tell me I have a nerd friend right next to me.

What discoveries did Galileo make that do not do with astronomy?

He invented the compass, the kind you use on maps and in math class, a thermometer - Galileo thermometer, and created Galileo's paradox in math. He did the basic principle of relativity. His work with pendulums lead to the pendulum clock.

In what fields did Newton make revolutionary advances after returning home from Cambridge?

Astronomy, Mathematics, Optics and Physics.

When did Galileo invented the telescope?

Never, Dutchman Hans Lippershey did. Galileo improved it to make it magnify 30 times instead of just 3.

What scientific contribution did Copernicus Galileo and newton make to the age of reason?

Copernicus proposed the theory of a heliocentric model while Galileo improved the telescope, studied Jupiter's moons, and supported the heliocentric model

What were tycho brahe's hobbies?

Galileo used to love to invent things and draw, and usually Galileo's dad will make him play the lute and was also intrested in knowing about the space myths

When did Galileo Galilei make his theory about Galileo?

galileo galilei and galileo are the same person (that doesn't make sense.)

What contributions did Galileo Galilei make to your world?

Galileo Galilei proved that objects in the solar system orbit around the sun, not the earth. He found this out by observing variations in venus's phases that could not be explained if all objects orbited the earth