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extreme guilt and nightmares

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Q: What consequence does lady Macbeth suffer for her sins?
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What describes Lady Macbeth death?

Bravery best describes the death of Lady Macbeth because she was brave enough to face the sins (also noted that she had repented) that she made Macbeth do such as killing Banquo by sacrificing her own life in exchange for the the guilt to disappear from her conscious mind. This means that she was brave to atoll for the sins which she had caused on the people who the victims had known.

What best describes Lady Macbeth deaths?

Bravery best describes the death of Lady Macbeth because she was brave enough to face the sins (also noted that she had repented) that she made Macbeth do such as killing Banquo by sacrificing her own life in exchange for the the guilt to disappear from her conscious mind. This means that she was brave to atoll for the sins which she had caused on the people who the victims had known.

What does the blood on the hands of Macbeth and lady Macbeth symbolize?

The blood on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's hands symbolizes guilt and the consequences of their violent actions. It serves as a manifestation of their moral corruption and their inability to wash away their guilt or the sins they have committed.็บขThe blood becomes a powerful symbol of their inner turmoil and descent into madness.

What does the doctor feel is needed in order to cure least Macbeth?

The doctor in Macbeth believes that Lady Macbeth needs spiritual intervention more than medical treatment to cure her troubled mind. He thinks that she needs to confess her sins and seek forgiveness rather than physical medicine.

What could the vanishing blood spot indicate about lady Macbeth?

The vanishing blood spot on Lady Macbeth's hand could symbolize her guilt and inability to wash away her sins. This could suggest that she is haunted by her involvement in King Duncan's murder and is struggling with the weight of her actions. Additionally, it might foreshadow her descent into madness and eventual regret for her role in the crime.

Put the word grisly in a sentence?

The consequence to sins is a very grisly punishment.

Lady Macbeth relationship with Macbeth?

Shakespheare shows the relationship of Macbeth lady Macbeth shakespeare shows they are very close and trust worthy at the start when they have just come from battle. because Macbeth writes a letter to lady Macbeth just when he has come from the battle and they didnt no each other that well but then in mthe letter at the end it says to my dear one but later in the play there relationship ain't all that because are arguing and angry because they are discussing about kilkling the kingn lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to do but Macbeth dosent want to

Beacause of solomons sins what happened?

he had to suffer death hope this was useful.

Why was Jesus betrayed by Judas and what was the consequence of the betrayal?

Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, and the consequence was that Jesus died on the cross for our sins a. and the sins of the world. But as Judas repented and returned the 30 pieces of silver coins, the priests refused to take it. Judas then hanged himself.

What does black Macbeth will seem pure as snow mean?

Macbeth will be absolved of the crimes he has committed. Based on the Christian belief that the Lord will wipe away all sins.

What consequence does a bad confession have?

A bad confession can lead to a lack of resolution or closure for the person confessing, as well as potentially causing harm or discomfort to the recipient of the confession. It can also damage trust and relationships between the individuals involved.

What could be the cause of the red spot on the hand of lady Macbeth?

The red spot on Lady Macbeth's hand is likely a symbolic representation of guilt and the manifestation of her psychological torment after being involved in the murder of King Duncan. This imagery is used in Shakespeare's play "Macbeth" to highlight her conscience plaguing her.