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Q: What consequences did the decision have on the liberties and freedoms of blacks in America?
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Marriage is between a man and women. Get it straight America!

What are some freedoms in America?

Freedom of speech

In 1682 William penn sailed to America to supervise the building of?

Charter of Liberties

In 1682 William Penn sailed to America to supervise the building?

Charter of Liberties

William penn sailed to America to supervise the building in 1682?

Charter of Liberties

How did immigrants lure families and friends to America?

they told them about the religious and political freedoms in the U.S.

What freedoms were English coloniest looking for in America?

They were looking for religious freedom.

Why did America favor a constitution in 1789?

The people of America favored a written constitution in 1789 as a way to safeguard their rights and freedoms. The people were afraid that the government could become too powerful and compromise the rights and freedoms that they fought to gain.

How did the KKK affect the civil liberties of the people?

As a result of their ignorance, brutality, and lawlessness, the KKK succeeded in raising the awareness of the disparities of segregation and denial of civil rights to a wider American public. Their actions to "protect" the rights of a very small minority (their own, regardless of their rhetoric they do not represent the ideals of the majority of white Americans) at the expense of everyone else's rights is the antithesis of the foundation of the US. If you throw out the Bill of Rights, what do you have? Not the United States of America. That's the America that allows them the right to their opinions, meetings, costumes, publications, and demonstrations. They have the rights to all of these freedoms, but not at the expense of others' freedoms.

Was America what the Irish immigrants thought it would be?

No, it was better. Irish immigrants had rights and freedoms in America, when they previously did not in their home country.

Why the crevecoeur saying that Colonial America is a perfect society?

Because Americans had more freedoms and opportunities in America than Europe.

Why is World War 2 significant to the discussion of civil liberties?

America was seen as a defender of liberty.