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Q: What consists of modern African cuisine?
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What were the cultural contributions of African's?

Africans have made significant cultural contributions globally in music, art, dance, literature, and cuisine. African music genres such as jazz, blues, and hip-hop have influenced and shaped music worldwide. Art forms like African masks and sculptures have had a profound impact on modern art movements. African literature by writers like Chinua Achebe and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has garnered international acclaim. Additionally, African cuisine with its diverse flavors and ingredients has gained popularity globally.

What is the modern cuisine?

an emphasized refined preperation and presentation superb ingredients. Auguste Escoffier the grande cuisie of Careme to create cuisine classique(classic cuisine). He brought french cuisine into the 20th century

Jol of rice is a cuisine of which country?

Nigeria, Ghana and other African countries.

What is the current presentation styles in food industry?

In low cuisine, it is big and often colorful portions. In high cuisine, it is minimalistic and modern.

What are the basic elements that make up Mexican Cuisine?

Mexican Cuisine is greatly varied and consists mainly of native ingredients of Mexico. Slowly, other country's flavors have made it into the cuisine. The main staples have remained beans, corn and the chili pepper.

What are the Differences between Haute cuisine and Nouvelle cuisine?

Haute cuisine refers to fine dining, and encompasses many high-end food cooking styles. Nouvelle cuisine was a food movement or style popularised in the 1990s, which was infamous for it's very small portion sizes. Nouvelle cuisine is not particularly fashionable in modern day.

What are three descriptions of African town?

Vibrant markets filled with colorful produce and textiles. Bustling streets with a mix of traditional and modern architecture. Welcoming communities that celebrate a rich cultural heritage through music, dance, and local cuisine.

What is the uniqueness of French cuisine from other cuisine?

Traditional French cuisine is reputed to be a fat cuisine. This is of questionable truth, certainly not generally true for modern French cuisine, and certainly never was a unique aspect of French cuisine. Other aspects of French cuisine include its diversity, inventiveness, or the nation's passion with its cuisine, none of which is unique to French cuisine. Both, those attributes might be cited as characteristics of French cuisine. Any region's cuisine evolves with disregard of political boundaries. Adjacent countries will almost always share many of the characteristics with a specific country's traditional cuisine, rendering any claim of "traditional cuisine of country X" questionable. For example, the cuisine in the south-west of France is very similar to northern Spanish cuisine, while eastern French cuisine shares similarities with German, Swiss and Italian cooking.

When was Journal of Modern African Studies created?

Journal of Modern African Studies was created in 1963.

What are the contributions of auguste escoffier to the hospitality industry?

Georges Auguste Escoffier was central to the development of modern French cuisine, also known as haute cuisine. He was a chef, restaurateur, and writer.

What is the uniqueness of french cuisine from other cuisines?

Traditional French cuisine is reputed to be a fat cuisine. This is of questionable truth, certainly not generally true for modern French cuisine, and certainly never was a unique aspect of French cuisine. Other aspects of French cuisine include its diversity, inventiveness, or the nation's passion with its cuisine, none of which is unique to French cuisine. Both, those attributes might be cited as characteristics of French cuisine. Any region's cuisine evolves with disregard of political boundaries. Adjacent countries will almost always share many of the characteristics with a specific country's traditional cuisine, rendering any claim of "traditional cuisine of country X" questionable. For example, the cuisine in the south-west of France is very similar to northern Spanish cuisine, while eastern French cuisine shares similarities with German, Swiss and Italian cooking.

What are the release dates for Simply Ming - 2003 Azores Hugo Ferreira Modern Azorean Cuisine 10-13?

Simply Ming - 2003 Azores Hugo Ferreira Modern Azorean Cuisine 10-13 was released on: USA: 29 December 2012