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Q: What constellations is Leo near by to?
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What other constellations are near Leo?

Constellations near Leo include Cancer to the west, Virgo to the east, and Hydra to the south. Leo is also bordered by the constellations of Ursa Major and Lynx to the north.

What constellations are next to or near the Cancer constellation?

The constellations near Cancer are Gemini to the west, Leo to the east, Lynx and Canis Minor to the north, and Hydra to the south. The closest neighboring constellations are Gemini and Leo.

Constellations that border Leo?

Some of the constellations that border Leo include Lynx, Cancer, Hydra, Crater, Sextans, Leo Minor, and Coma Berenices. Each of these constellations is located near Leo in the night sky.

Is the constellation cancer near any other famous constellations?

In the Northern sky..Cancer(the Crab) is the faintest of the known constellations,To the naked eye,the "nearest" constellations are; Leo(the Lion) Leo Mionor,Gemini(the Twins)Canis Minor(the Lesser Dog) and Hydra. Nearest of course,is very relative,as these Suns and Stars are many light years apart

What constellations are around cancer?

Hydra, Leo, Leo minor, Lynx and Gemini.

What Constellations that borders cancer?

The constellations that border Cancer are Leo to the west, Gemini to the north, and Lynx to the northeast. These constellations are adjacent to Cancer in the night sky and can be seen in close proximity to it.

What constilations are near the big dipper?

Ursa Major, the constellation where the Big Dipper is located, is near other constellations like Ursa Minor (Little Dipper), Leo, and Canes Venatici. These constellations are all visible in the northern hemisphere during certain times of the year.

Which constellations are next to Leo the Lion?

The constellations next to Leo the Lion are Cancer, Virgo, Hydra, and Sextans. Cancer is located to the west of Leo, Virgo to the east, Hydra to the south, and Sextans to the southwest.

Is Leo near any other constellation?

Yes, the constellation Leo is adjacent to several other constellations in the sky. It is bordered by Cancer to the west, Virgo to the east, Hydra to the south, and Ursa Major to the north.

What constellations border the Leo constellation?

draco is one...

Gemini Leo and canis major are examples of a what?


What does the constellations Leo look like?

like a lion