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Q: What constitutes active labor?
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What is the Icd-9 code for active labor?

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Is 4 cm dilated and 2 station active labor?

Is 4 cm considered active labor ?

Why you celebrate Labor Day?

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country

Is is safe to have a clon cleansa while pregnan?

You can have an enema during labor but not on active labor meaning not after 5 cm dilated.

What are somethings you could do to make active labor start?

You can use castor oil.

Who was the socialist active in the labor movement and the US civil rights movement?

There were many

Why is labor an active factor of production?

it can be increased or decreased based upon demand

If you are 90 effaced 3 cm dilated and the baby is at a positive 1 station how long until active labor starts Is there a way to hold it off?

Could be hours to days to weeks. Everyone is different. You will probably start active labor within 24 hours. There is no stopping labor at this point.

Why is labor considered an active factor of production?

it can be increased or decreased based upon demand

What is Braxton Hicks?

Practice contractions. The tightening of your stomach muscles and uterus preparing you for active labor

How did the end of world war change labor conditions in the US?

They were less active and fewer strikes