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Aren't both solutions equal? They both have a phone of 9 so both of their H+ ions are equal, that is unless I accidentally wrote the wrong data.

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Pearl Poosong

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Q: What contains more hydrogen ions Windex or Maalox?
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What can you say about the porpotion of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in a solution that has a pH of 4?

In a solution with a pH of 4, the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) is higher than the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-). The pH scale is logarithmic, so a pH of 4 indicates that the concentration of hydrogen ions is 10^-4 moles per liter, while the concentration of hydroxide ions can be calculated using the water dissociation constant (Kw).

What solution contains more hydroxide ions than it does hydrogen ions?

A solution with a pH greater than 7 will contain more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions. These solutions are considered basic or alkaline. Examples include solutions of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH).

Is a acid?

It is a substance that contains Hydrogen ions : H+

An acid is a?

An acid is a chemical compound that donates a proton or hydrogen ion when dissolved in a solution. Acids typically have a sour taste, turn litmus paper red, and react with bases to form salts and water. Examples of common acids include hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and citric acid.

What solution contains equal nubmers of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions?

A neutral solution, such as pure water, contains an equal number of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-). This creates a balance that maintains a pH of 7, indicating that the solution is neither acidic nor basic.

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An acid contains more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. Acids release hydrogen ions (H+) in water, while bases release hydroxide ions (OH-).

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Protons are present in nucleus so how current flow with these particles as conventional current?

Protons are not usually involved as current carriers, except in a solution that contains hydrogen ions (i.e., protons).Protons are not usually involved as current carriers, except in a solution that contains hydrogen ions (i.e., protons).Protons are not usually involved as current carriers, except in a solution that contains hydrogen ions (i.e., protons).Protons are not usually involved as current carriers, except in a solution that contains hydrogen ions (i.e., protons).

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hydrogen atoms that can release a hydrogen ion (H+) into a solution. This results in the formation of positively charged ions called hydronium ions.

What type of solution contains a higher hydrogen concentration?

Acid solutions contain higher concentrations of hydrogen ions (hydronium ions).

Is the windex is a acid or a base real and true answers?

It is an acid!! I am in chemistry class right now and my teacher just said Windex is a acid!!

A solution that contains more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions is?

Basic or alkaline or greater than pH 7