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Q: What contains photoreceptors on the inner posterior portion of eye?
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What is the innermost layer of the eye called?

The inner rear surface of the eye which contains photoreceptors it called the retina.

What is the inner portion of the hair?

The inner portion of the hair is the cortex and the inner-most portion is the medulla.

What is the inner portion of a hair?

The inner portion of the hair is the cortex and the inner-most portion is the medulla.

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the inner portion of kernel is

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They are located in the inner segment of photoreceptors.

Is the glomerulus the inner portion of the kidney?

No the renal cortex is the outer part of the kidney

The layer of the eye where photoreceptors are located?

The transparent inner neural layer of the RETINA

Which portion of the ear contains the sense organs for hearing and balance?

The cochlea is the portion of the ear that contains the sense organs for hearing. The vestibular system, which includes the semicircular canals and otolithic organs, is responsible for balance and spatial orientation.

What is the name of the kidney outer layer?

You mean the capsuls covering it. But generally kidney is coverd by posterior wall of peritonium

What are the inner and outer portions of the kidney called?

The outer portion is called the Cortex and the inner dark portion is called the Renal Medulla

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