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nothing actually contains the sternum the sternum is the bone that connects the ribs together also helping to protect the ventral side of the ribs it also holds at the bottom the xyphoid process

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Q: What contains the sternum?
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Part of the body enclosed by the ribs and sternum?

The axial skeleton contains the brain, the spinal column and ribs. The appendicular skeleton contains all other bones.

How many breast bones are there in the body?

A mammalian skeleton contains just one breast bone, it is called the sternum.

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The thoracic cavity contains the heart, lungs, and esophagus. These organs are protected by the rib cage, sternum, and vertebral column.

Is the sternum medial to the heart?

The gallbladder is lateral to the sternum. The sternum is a midline structure.

Is the sternum inferior to the Umbilicus?

The sternum is superior to the pubic region.

What muscle attaches to the sternum?

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Is the heart anterior or lateral to the sternum?

The heat is posterior to the sternum, not anterior. It is a midline structure, like the sternum, so it is not lateral to the sternum.

What kind of tissue is the sternum?

The sternum is bone.

What is the shape of the sternum?

The sternum is a flat bone

What bone does the sternum protect?

The sternum IS a bone.

Is the nose lateral to the scapula?

The humerus is lateral to the sternum. The sternum, or breastbone, is midline.

What is the adjective for sternum?

Another name for sternum could be chest or breastbone.rib cageBreastboneIn Layman terminology, the sternum is known as the breastbone.