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Q: What contenents do not extend into the southern hemisphere?
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What are the contenents that have no land in the southern hemisphere?

Antarctica has no land.

What contenents are in the southern hemisphere?

antartica and australia comment please =]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]======================]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Witch two contenents are loccated entierly within the southern hemisphere?


What contenents are both the eastern and southern hemisphere?

Africa, Australia, and Antarctica are continents that are both in the eastern and southern hemispheres.

What continents does not extend into the southern hemisphere?

Europe and North America do not extend into the southern hemisphere.

Name the continents that do not extend into the southern hemisphere?

The continents that do not extend into the southern hemisphere are North America, Europe, and Asia.

Name the contienets that do not extend into the southern hemisphere?

No parts of North America, Europe, or Asia are in the southern hemisphere.

Does North America extend to southern hemisphere?

No. In the most southern country in North America (Panama) none of it reaches to the southern hemisphere.

What three hemisphere does the region of latin America extend into?

The region of Latin America extends into the Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, and Western Hemisphere.

Which continents lie only in the hemishere?

Antarctica only lies in the Southern Hemisphere. Australia is mostly in the Southern Hemisphere but some parts extend into the Northern Hemisphere.

Which two continents do not extend to the southern hemisphere?

North America and Europe.

What continents do not extend into the southern hemisphere?

North America and Europe. None of mainland Asia extends into the Southern Hemisphere, but the Indonesian islands do and are considered part of Asia (so Asia would not properly answer the question, unless one is asking solely of continental mainlands and not including their islands).