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Surprisingly, Antarctica, but it's frozen solid.

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Q: What continent has 70 percent of the world's freshwater?
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What percent of the worlds freshwater is used for farming?

About 70% of the world's freshwater is used in farming.

What is the percentage of water from Antarctica is fresh?

The ice sheet that covers 98% of the Antarctic continent contains about 60% of the earth's fresh water, according to Wikipedia.

70 percent of earths freshwater?

Is frozen in the poles

About what percent of the world's freshwater is used for farming?

About 70% of the world's freshwater is used in farming.

How much of the worlds freshwater supply do antarcticas ice caps contain?

The answer you want is about 70%.

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70 percent

What is the percentage of freshwater found in Antarctica?

The ice sheet that covers 98% of the Antarctic continent holds about 70% of the earth's fresh water.

More than 70 percent of the people on which continent live in a fertile area that stretches from Brisbane to Adelaide?

The continent is Australia.

What percent of the Earth's surface is covered with freshwater?

around 70 something percent but im not sure so anyone else should edit it to give u a more exact answer dude u were like SO wrong its not even funny only like 3% of earths water is freshwater there u go 70% is way off she/he was talking about FRESHWATER

What is more then 70 percent of the worlds cultivated farmland used for growing?

Grains; Carbohydrates and fiber

What percent of the worlds technology is made in japan and china?

Both these countries are a major leader.About 70 percent are made in China and Japan.

What is the percent of freshwater?

Earth is made up of about 70 percent water, but less than 3 percent of that water is fresh water. Fresh water is found in ice caps, glaciers, streams, and rivers.