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Q: What continent is most south of the others?
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Which continent is south of all the continents tinents?

Antarctica is the continent south of all the others.

Which continent is farther south then the others?

Antarctica is the southernmost continent.

Is South America Country or a Continent?

South America is considered by some to be a continent and by others (like me), the southern part of the continent called America.

Which continent is south of all the others?


What continent is just south of most Europe?

The continent to the south of Europe is Africa.

Which continent is south from all the others?

Antarctica is.

What continent is south from all other continent?

Antarctica is the most southern continent

Is South Africa a country or continent?

South Africa is a country at the southern end of the continent of Africa.

What continent is south of Antarctica?

No continent is south of Antarctica. It is in the most southerly part of the world, so nothing is further south.

Which is the farthest continent south of the equator?

Antarctica is the most southerly continent.

Which country in Africa is further south on the continent?

South Africa is the southern most country on the continent of Africa.

Is the most of Europe north or south of the arctic circle?

Most of that continent is South of that Circle.