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Q: What controls and directs the production of proteins in living things?
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What are four classes of polymers found in living things?

Four classes of polymers found in living things are proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, and lipids. These polymers play essential roles in various biological processes such as structure, storage, and energy production in living organisms.

Are proteins made of living things?

No, proteins are just assembled molecules. This in itself is not living.

Is proteins made of cells?

No. Only living things are made of cells. Proteins are not living.

Which cell part directs the activities of the plant cell?

The nucleus controls most of the chemical reactions that go on inside the cell (i.e. what it grows into, what chemicals it releases, what happens in the cytoplasm and how fast etc). The cell membrane controls what goes in and out of the cells.

How many proteins are there?

Proteins are molecules that feed living organisms. There are about twenty different kinds of proteins. Proteins are found in foods.

What was the Production Budget for The Living Daylights?

The Production Budget for The Living Daylights was $40,000,000.

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The Production Budget for Living Out Loud was $12,000,000.

DNA translates the information in RNA to make proteins?

Actually, DNA is transcribed into RNA, and then RNA is translated into proteins by ribosomes in a process called protein synthesis. This process occurs in all living organisms and is essential for cell function and the production of proteins that carry out various functions in the body.

Why is it true that biology is the study of proteins?

Biology is the study of living things not proteins

3 ways that living creatures use protenis?

Proteins in living things use proteins in many ways. The three man ways are living, producing cells and hair.

What was the Production Budget for Night of the Living Dead?

The Production Budget for Night of the Living Dead was $4,200,000.

What was the Production Budget for The Return of the Living Dead?

The Production Budget for The Return of the Living Dead was $4,000,000.