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The pupil contracts or expands (dilates) to regulate the entry of light to the retina in the eye.

The iris or colored part of the eye is what controls the diameter of the pupil by covering or uncovering it.

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Q: What controls the amount of light that enters the eye?
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What controls the light going into eye?

The pupil controls the amount of light that enters the eye.

What is the circular opening of the eye which controls the amount of light that enters the eye?

The pupil. However, as it is a hole, i.e. an absence of anything it seems odd to say it controls anything. The iris controls the size of the pupil and therefore the amount of light entering.

What structure controls the amount of light that gets in the eye?

Iris controls the amount of light entering into the eye.

Which part of the human eye controls how much light enters?

the iris

What is a pupil reference?

The pupil is circular opening located in the center of the iris of the eye and that controls the amount of light that enters the eye.orIt can mean a student.

What controls the amount of light that enters the eyes?

The pupil contracts or expands (dilates) to regulate the entry of light to the retina in the eye.The iris or colored part of the eye is what controls the diameter of the pupil by covering or uncovering it.

Does not having an iris effect your vision?

The iris is the colored area in the eye and is surrounded by the sclera,the white section in the human eye.The absence of iris affect vision. Its function is important because it is responsible for regulating the amount of light that enters the eye..Too much or too little light that gets into the eye hampers vision,.It controls the amount of light that enters the eye by opening and closing the pupil.

The is the colored part of the eye that narrows and widens to control the amount of light entering the eye?

The colored portion that regulates the amount of light in eye is called as iris. The hole through which light passes inside the posterior chamber is called as is called as pupil. The color of the iris changes as per color of the skin pigment. It has got circular muscles and radial muscles in it. In fight or flight responce, it is dilated through sympathetic nerve stimulation. In relaxed and stress free envirinment pupil is constricted via parasympathetic nerve stimulation.

What is the function of the iris in the human eye?

The iris controls the size of the pupil. Which in turn, controls the amount of light entering the eye.

What lets light into the eye?

The pupil is a hole that allows light into the eye.

What is the difference between the cornea and iris?

The cornea is the surface of the eye. It is completely transparent, as all light that enters the eye must pass through the cornea. If you look at a person's eye from the side, you will see some clear material covering the front of the eyeball. That is the cornea. The iris is what controls the amount of light let into the eye. It is what gives the eye its colour, and it is what actually controls the size of the pupil.

Name the part of the eye which controls the amount of light entering?

The iris!