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okay heres the nitrogen cycle

nitrogen from atmosphere it taken in by

1)lightning( its energy causes nitrogen to react with oxygen n rain to the soil)

2)nitrogen- fixing bacteria in nodules ( plant roots which take it directly form the atmosphere )


1)nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil - breakdown of dead plants n animals releases nitrogen to the soil

2)fertilizers - which contain nitrogen compounds eg NPK OR natural fertilizers i,e dead plants n animals release nitrogen , animal urine and faeces release nitrogen as well to the soil

3)nitrogen fixing bacteria in nodules get nitrogen from its compounds in the soil

4)nitrifying bacteria - converts compounds of ammonia into nitrates .. for the plant nodules


1) denitrifying bacteria in soil - changes nitrates to nitrogen gas and its released back to the atmosphere

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Q: What converts nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle?
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What converts nitrogen into a usable substance during the nitrogen cycle?

I believe it is a nitrogen-fixing bacteria

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The role of bacteria in the Nitrogen Cycle is to perform biological nitrogen fixation. This process is an important part of the Nitrogen Cycle because it converts oxygen into ammonia that plants are then able to use.

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Rhizobium Bacillus is the bacteria that converts nitrogen gas in the air into ammonia. It plays an important role the nitrogen cycle by fixing nitrogen which is otherwise an inert gas.

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Nitrates are found in man-made fertilizers. They are also found in soil after the nitrogen fixating bacteria converts Nitrite to Nitrate (Nitrogen Cycle) which can be utilized by plants and consumed by the consumers.

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Nitrogen gas becomes the ultimate product of nitrates and organic matter and complete the nitrogen cycle. Organic matter converts into ammonium, which oxidizes into ammonia and then into nitrites. Nitrites oxidize into nitrates, which reduce into nitrogen gas.

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Plants transfer nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle through assimilation.

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the nitrogen cycle

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The first step of the nitrogen cycle is nitrogen fixation.

Is the first step of the nitrogen cycle?

The first step of the nitrogen cycle is nitrogen fixation.