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Q: What copper wire specification is used to generate electricity with N50 magnet?
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Related questions

Where do you use magnet to generate energy?

Magnets are used in generators. A magnet is rotated by something, e.g. a wind turbine, and the magnet turns inside a copper coil which generates electricity. It is the opposite of a motor.

How does turbine generate electricity?

it causes a magnet to spin and generate electricity through the aligning of the electrons in surrounding atoms

What does copper wire and magnets have to do with Electricity?

a magnet moved through a copper coil makes electricity

Can a magnet be used to produce electricity?

A spinning magnet inside a coil of copper wire will produce electricity.

When a wire carries an electric current it products a?

It produces a magnetic field. Vice versa, when you run a magnet past a wire you generate an electric current. Electricity and magnetism are related. If you have electricity you can generate magnetism, if you have a magnet you can produce electricity.

How does moving magnet generate electricity?

magnet moves cause all magnets have an electric field around it]

What are the apparatus used to show that moving magnet conduct electricity?

Volt Metre is the apparatus used to detect the electricity generated. Moving a magnet in or around coil of enamelled copper wire or vice versa will generate electricity. The electricity generated can be detected, by connecting the ends of wires of coil to a Volt Metre. The Voltage generated proportional to the speed of movement and strength of the magnet, and the number of turns of the coil.

How are electro magnet different from permanent magnet?

Electro magnets differs from permanent magnet because it requires electricity. A simple electro magnet consists of an iron rod wrapped in a coil of copper and when electricity flows through the copper, a magnetic field is formed.

How do solar panels turn the sun's rays into electricity?

The heat of the rays turn the generator.The generator has a magnet in it. The magnet is inside a copper ring. The magnet urn and makes friction which makes electricity. The electricity goes to the breaker box at a house.

How can electricity produce by using magnet?

Electricity is generated when a piece of conductive metal (such as copper) is passed through a magnetic field (or if the magnetic field is moved around the metal). A generator will have a copper wire in the center, surrounded by a magnet shaped like a torus (donut shaped, wire is in the hole in the middle). The wire is stationary. Electricity is generated when the magnet is spun (moving the magnetic field around the wire). This will generate an AC current (alternating current).

How do you create electricity at any place?

by moving a piece of magnet in between a copper coil.

How are eltromagnets used in generators?

Any time a magnet passes through a coil of copper wire (the electro magnet) it produces electricity. In all reallity, you don't really have an electro magnet in a generator. Since the Coil or(field) is making the electricity instead of using electricity, the electro magnet isn't really a magnet; but more like an "anti-magnet" :)