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Q: What could a hcg level of 1.1 mean?
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What does it mean if your hcg level is double what it should normally be when you are pregnant?

your most likely pregnant. you should see a doctor. if you already knew you were pregnant, than its normal. HCG levels will tend to double regularly and peaks at 8-11 weeks. again, you might want to see a doctor if the doubling occurs quickly, because it may mean you have multiples (twins).

What is a normal range in the US for an hCG Quantitative Blood Test?

Typically, the hCG levels will double every 72 hours. The level will reach its peak in the first 8-11 weeks of pregnancy and then will decline and level off for the remainder of the pregnancy.

When should HCG levels go up?

The level of the hormone human Chorionic Gandotropin, more commonly known as hCG is the hormone whos levels are usually what is tested for during a pregnancy test which you have done by your doctor. A high level of hCG indicates a positive pregnancy. In some cases the increased hCG level can be detected in your blood as early as 8 days after conception, but in most cases it is usually around 11 days. During the course of your pregnancy your hCG levels will increase and decrease, with the levels doubling on average every 30-31 hours until they peak, usually around the 9th and 10th weeks of your pregnancy. The level of hCG then decreases slightly until the 16th week where it remains fairly constant until birth

How much hormone do you have to show in your blood to be pregnant?

The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (better known as hCG) is produced during pregnancy. It is made by cells that form the placenta, which nourishes the egg after it has been fertilized and becomes attached to the uterine wall. Levels can first be detected by a blood test about 11 days after conception and about 12 - 14 days after conception by a urine test. In general the hCG levels will double every 72 hours. The level will reach its peak in the first 8 - 11 weeks of pregnancy and then will decline and level off for the remainder of the pregnancy.There are two types of blood tests. A quantitative blood test measures the exact amount of hCG in the blood, and a qualitative hCG blood test gives a simple yes or no answer to whether you are pregnant or not.The beta hCG test(quantitative blood test), can measure the exact amount of hCG in the blood. Because it can detect even trace amounts of hCG, this is a very accurate test. HCG levels generally double approximately every 2 days for the first four weeks of pregnancy.An hCG level of less than 5mIU/ml is considered negative for pregnancy, and anything above 25mIU/ml is considered positive for pregnancy.

How long do take for her to know she pregnant?

hCG) is produced during pregnancy. It is made by cells that form the placenta, which nourishes the egg after it has been fertilized and becomes attached to the uterine wall. Levels can first be detected by a blood test about 11 days after conception and about 12 - 14 days after conception by a urine test. In general the hCG levels will double every 72 hours. The level will reach its peak in the first 8 - 11 weeks of pregnancy and then will decline and level off for the remainder of the pregnancy.

How long does it take to know when a girl is pregnant?

hCG) is produced during pregnancy. It is made by cells that form the placenta, which nourishes the egg after it has been fertilized and becomes attached to the uterine wall. Levels can first be detected by a blood test about 11 days after conception and about 12 - 14 days after conception by a urine test. In general the hCG levels will double every 72 hours. The level will reach its peak in the first 8 - 11 weeks of pregnancy and then will decline and level off for the remainder of the pregnancy.

What does it mean if your Hg level is dropping but there is no bleeding?

Unfortunately, I have experienced 11 miscarriages. Each time my pregnancy hormone, HCG, began to decline which was a sign that a miscarriage was going to happen. Once the levels reached below 5, my period would start and I would pass the embryo. I've been as far as 10 weeks and had this happen. It took about 5-6 weeks for my period to start once my levels starting dropping from the 40,000 range. When your HCG levels drop below 5, then expect a period. If you don't get one, please consult with you doctor. In the 11 times that I miscarried, my period started like clock work after my HCG lowered below 5.

What is the value of the expression 25 divided by 16 minues 11?

It could mean: 25/(16-11) = 5

What does 16 11 mean in the Bible?

You could be looking at what part of the book your in (i.e. chapter 16, verse 11)

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Finale it will get you to level 11 Finale it will get you to level 11

What is serum in blood that the women is pregnant?

A woman's blood syrum is tested for a hormone called "hCG". hCG is detectable in the blood serum of approximately 5% of pregnant women by 8 days after conception, and in virtually all the rest by 11 days. HCG rises progressively from conception.A blood serum level of less than 5 mIU/ml (5 IU/L) can be considered negative and anything above 25 mIU/ml (25 IU/L) positive for pregnancy.

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