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Q: What could be done to remove water from a blood sample?
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What do you think could be done if you needed to remove the water from a sample of blood in order to study the solids that remained?

Centrifuge the sample.

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It is insoluble

How could you get a sample if soluble salt?

A saline sample is salt water. Evaporate the water away, and salt crystals will be left behind.

What is the Effect of adding water to collected blood sample?

water has the wrong biochemcal properties for the cells within the blood and so they will lyse (cell wall disruption)

How could a sample of pure water be obtained from the drink?

You could distill the water from the lemon drink and condense the water vapor and collect the water in a container.

How could a sample of pure water be obtained from the lemon drink?

You could distill the water from the lemon drink and condense the water vapor and collect the water in a container.

When fasting for a blood test can you drink water with lemon?

No ,as there are natural sugars in fruit,which may affect the accuracy of a glucose blood test.

Could semen sample be collected during shower?

If it mixes with the water then probobly not.

Does blood stain clothes?

Yes, blood stains clothes. It is a protein stain, and is difficult to remove. If you have a blood stain to remove, use cold water and pretreat it with OxyClean.

Is staining what you call it if you diluted a blood sample with distilled water and the red blood cells burst?

You can certainly expect the blood cells to stain the water as their cell membranes rupture from being in a hypotonic solution. The term that describes this is "To lyse". Blood cells lyse in distilled water.

Can you get blood stains out of clothes with water?

Clothes that get blood on them, need to be steeped in COLD water immediately otherwise the blood is nearly impossible to remove once it has dried.