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it could be an ingrown hair especially if you shave or wax the area, which in that case makes it easier for bacteria to get in to the hair follicle. but if you have any doubts i urge you to go to the doctor.

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βˆ™ 18y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Those might not be pimples, they might be herpes. DO NOT TRY TO POP THEM! Make an appointment with a doctor, even if you are not sexually active. what are your effect because it a big dffrence even when it look like a pimple it can be something else pop it will it bleed or do it hurt some type of pimple can come from not having sex

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Cause u need to wash it 2 a week and dont touch the pimples or it will spread.. dont worry we've all been through it

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βˆ™ 12y ago

I have two pimple like bumps on my vagina ine on the out side that doesnt itch or burn or anything but the one on the inside burns when i

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βˆ™ 12y ago

it can be yeast infection

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Q: What could be wrong if you found pimples on where the hair grows on the lip of your vagina and it's red?
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Moisture is often a cause of pimples, clogged pores. If your toddler has pimples on the buttalks, I would suggest using a anti-bacterial soap on the buttalks only. Make sure to change diapers frequently to prevent extra moisture. Sometimes pimples can be caused by a rash, it can be caused by the brand of diapers, or laundry soap even. It's best to leave the pimples alone, do not scrub or bother them, and wash the buttalks often, with the anti-bacterial soap to clean and dry them out.

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