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ITP--immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Your body destroys platelets, basically... it can be chronic or something set off by an immune reaction to a virus, say (more common in children). You wouldn't have clotting problems, but bleeding/bruising problems. Many people with ITP feel fatigued and link it to their platelet levels, though it is not currently considered a symptom and there is no accepted medical explanation for why this would happen.

The Platelet Disorder Support Association says this on their FAQ:

A : Many people with ITP find they have a problem with fatigue. However, the cause of this fatigue is not well understood. In addition to general fatigue that may be associated with being ill, the treatments for ITP can contribute to fatigue by disrupting the sleep cycle and placing other types of stress on the body. (as of 7.26.09)

See for more general information about ITP.

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Q: What could being extremely tired all the time and having a very low platelet count but not having any clotting problem possibly be?
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What problem in low platelet count?

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What do thrombocyctes do?

Platelets (thrombocytes) are the smallest type of blood cell. They are important in blood clotting. When bleeding occurs, the platelets swell, clump together, and form a sticky plug that helps stop the bleeding. If there are too few platelets, uncontrolled bleeding may be a problem. If there are too many platelets, there is a chance of a blood clot forming in a blood vessel. Also, platelets may be involved in hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

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Important Information Needed to Understand Low Platelet Count?

In the most simplistic terms, platelets are the cells in your blood stream that have the function of promoting clotting. These platelets must exist in the blood stream in large numbers. If the number of platelets in the blood stream fall below a certain level, clotting time will be noticeably increased, which can cause a number of different health issues. The acceptable range for platelets in the blood stream is anywhere from one hundred and fifty thousand to four hundred and fifty thousand, with the more healthier numbers being the higher numbers. If a person is injured during a time where their platelet count is low, there is an obvious risk, but there are also unseen risks at times, where excessive bleeding can become a serious issue to an individual. Bone marrow is actually responsible for platelet production in our bodies and these platelets last about a week or more before they need to be replaced. A variety of signs can be used to infer whether or not a person has a low platelet count besides medical testing. The most obvious signs, however, will be related to whether an individual has more severe bleeding than normal. For instance, if a person cannot brush their teeth properly without triggering excessive bleeding gums, this is likely a sign of low platelet levels. Uncontrollable bleeding from minor cuts, blood in stool, blood in urine, unexplainable bruising and abnormal menstrual flow are all also signs of low platelet counts. Low platelet counts can be caused by side effects from certain medications. In fact, many people who experience low platelet counts are experiencing this problem due to the side effects from medication they are using to treat another medical problem. The body will not be able to produce platelets quickly enough to overcome platelets being destroyed from another illness and the medication being consumed for that illness. Even aspirin can cause platelet counts to drop, so be very careful in these situations. Also, low platelet counts are often a side effect of cancer and autoimmune disorders as well as the treatment for these illnesses. The spleen is responsible for removing the old platelets in our bodies, but with certain illnesses, the spleen may be removing platelets too soon, causing low platelet counts.

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