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Q: What could happen if a person with a heart murmur took 40 mg vyvanse?
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I could never understand Jack, because he always spoke in a murmur.

What dosage of Vyvanse will result in positive amphetamine result?

Any amount of Vyvanse could result in a positive amphetamine test.

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What could happen is that the person won't be able to think straight, maybe even die.

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The ladder could fall on you. The person on the ladder could fall on you. You could knock the person on the ladder off it. The person on the ladder could drop something on you.

What should I do with a kitten with a grade 4 or 5 heart murmur and what could happen to her?

I would keep taking her to the vet for reassessment every 3-4 weeks until she is at least 6 months old. Sometimes kittens have murmurs when they are young, but as they get older the murmur disappears or becomes much less severe. A Grade IV or V heart murmur is pretty serious - it's loud and generally means there is a functional problem with the heart. If it doesn't get better with age, I would suggest having a full cardiologic work-up done, including EKG and an ultrasound of the heart. This will give you a much better idea of what is causing the murmur and what the potential outcomes of the murmur are.

What could happen if a person doesn't take care of their diabetic condition?

they could die.

What does the medical abbreviation sm mean?

It is most often used as an abbreviation for small. If it is written in all caps then it could be an acronym for Systolic Murmur (heart murmur) or perhaps for Simple Mastectomy if in the context of surgery.

How long does it take to detox off of Vyvanse?

That depends on the person and the history with medications in the same pharmacological category. Because of these variables there is really no correct answer to this question, it could be a month... and iy could be ten years before a tolerance is built up.

What can happen if a person drinks three glasses of wine?

Seriously...? He could get drunk.

What could happen if someone reports a crime?

what would happen is that the person who reports would behave to testify against the person after being question and the story checks out your welcome!!

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They could potentially develop an antibody.

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They could potentially develop an antibody.