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It can damage your heart and even worse, cause a stroke. On top of that, it makes you feel horrible...irritable and a constant headache. It's one of the easiest conditions to control with diet, exercise and medication.

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High blood pressure if untreated leads to bursting of small vessels in heart, brain and other organs causing cardiovascular, cerebrovascular accidents and organ damage. It silently causes irreversible damage to most organs in body when the person believes he is fine.

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If you have normal blood pressure and you take medicine for high blood pressure, you could cause your blood pressure to go too low and you could end up in a coma or even dead.

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Improper blood to oxygen flow. Usually from to low of blood pressure, but also can happen with high blood pressure. Generally, diabetes, or early stages of diabetes, is a contributing factor of "lightheartedness" and overall body "weakness".

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Yes, but is just a factor and could not be the sole reason. Getting angry causes sympathetic activity like increasing blood pressure and heart rate. When these happen, much pressure is exerted in the blood vessel as it compensates for the sympathetic effect.

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When wood is exposed to moisture, it will decay and deteriorate unless it is pressure treated or treated some other way. However, there are some wood that resist moisture naturally, like redwood.

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The human heart could compensate for flow rate changes to maintain blood pressure by setting the pace at which it beats and maintains blood flow. When a heart rate increases, blood pressure will rise, and when a heart rate decreases, blood pressure will drop.

Why could a large amount of salt in the diet lead to an increase in blood pressure?

Salt. Salt is sodium which increases blood pressure. Trust me. High blood pressure runs in my family.

What could happen to a persons health if they need blood but wont except blood in an emergency?

They could die.

Could you die from kidney infection?

yes from blood poisoning if you don't get it treated