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Cigarettes are a stress reliever and also eliminate hunger, which help you lose weight. However, cigarettes are extremely deadly and addictive; they can cause numerous types of cancer (mainly lung cancer) and serious health complications (such as short breath, skin discoloration, black tongue, etc.) Marijuana can also relieve stress and pain, which is why it is used in certain, serious medical situations. However, marijuana has more toxins than cigarettes and can cause just as many diseases or forms of cancer as cigarettes. Marijuana is also addictive and can seriously alter your brain power, as it directly affects memory skills.

Many people think that marijuana is harmless, but this couldn't be farther from the truth. Anything you smoke to inhale is not good for you, and should be avoided. Marijuana is addictive and is deadly. People obviously know that cigarettes are deadly and are aware of its effects.

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11y ago
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14y ago

Lung Cancer. Although there are no reports of someone getting lung cancer from just smoking marijuana, there is a lot of tar in marijuana that could lead to lung cancer if used enough

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12y ago

no it gets u higher and it burns evenly tho out the joint i know im almost always baked lol XD do u know MacDonald special cigarettes prices?

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Q: Is marijuana and tobacco a bad combination?
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Is Hookah Tobacco basically legal marijuana?

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Will marijuana show up on insurance tobacco test?

No...but if they're testing for tobacco, they probably also test for marijuana.

Does marijuana damage lungs like tobacco?

not like tobacco

What is safer marijuana or tobacco?

Neither. Currently, tobacco is demonized while marijuana is celebrated, but I think this is just a prejudice; they are both bad for you. Don't smoke anything, and don't drink alcohol to excess, and you'll be healthier and happier than the stoners and smokers.

How is marijuana different from other drugs?

Marijuana is sometimes smoked with tobacco.

What is the difference between the cigrate smoking and marajuana?

cigarettes use tobacco which is horrible for your lungs,teeth,mouth and it only gives u a head rush, marijuana gives you the best feeling ever and it is bad for your memory, and lungs (not as bad for your lungs as tobacco)

Is oregano a herb?

No. Do not smoke oregano. There is no benefit from it and it is bad for your lungs. All smoking is bad for your lungs and in the case of oregano, there is no "benefit" such as with tobacco or marijuana, so smoking oregano is dumb.

Is marijuana bad for your body?

Because smoking it can cause lung cancer, emphysema, and other smoking-related diseases, just like tobacco.

Is there tobacco in marijuana?

Unfortunately, no. Shame though.

Do tobacco shops sell marijuana?

Not particulately

Why would combining marijuana with tobacco make it harder to give up smoking marijuana?

Smoking releases dopamine in the brain which then activates reward circuit responses. When you smoke marijuana and tobacco together your body associates both of them with the feel of nicotine, making you crave marijuana as much as you would crave nicotine if you tried to quit tobacco.

What is the same between tobacco and marijuana?

they are both drugs