


Tobacco and Tobacco Products

Native to North and South America, tobacco dates back to around 6,000 BC. Native Americans used tobacco in many different ways, including in religious practices and for medicinals. Tobacco is in the same plant family as the potato, pepper, and the poisonous nightshade. In this topic, questions about tobacco and tobacco products are asked and answered.

1,460 Questions

What happens when tobacco smoke is inhaled into the respiratory system?

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Asked by Wiki User

When tobacco smoke is inhaled into the respiratory system, it introduces harmful chemicals and particulate matter into the lungs. This can cause irritation, inflammation, and damage to the respiratory tract, leading to conditions such as bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer. Over time, continued exposure to tobacco smoke can increase the risk of developing chronic respiratory diseases and other serious health issues.

What poison is found in insecticides and tobacco?

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Nicotine is a poison commonly found in insecticides and tobacco. It is a highly toxic substance that can be harmful to humans if ingested or inhaled in large amounts.

A tobacco plant that glows in the dark is an example of?

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A tobacco plant that glows in the dark is an example of genetic engineering, specifically using bioluminescence genes to create a plant that emits light. This technique involves altering the plant's genetic makeup to express a foreign gene responsible for producing bioluminescence. The glowing tobacco plant is an example of how genetic tools can be used to introduce novel traits into organisms.

Is carbon dioxide in tobacco?

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Yes, and that is why you see a lot of long-term smokers coughing up a storm as they smoke. The carbon dioxide replaces the oxygen in your body, therefore your body must work harder to receive the oxygen it needs.

Burning any organic material will produce carbon dioxide

Does tobacco contain arsenic?

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Yes, tobacco plants can absorb arsenic from soil contaminated with heavy metals. Arsenic can also be added to tobacco during processing as a pesticide. When tobacco is smoked, arsenic can be released and inhaled by the smoker, which poses health risks.

How does the nervous system get effected by tobacco?

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Tobacco can affect the nervous system by increasing heart rate and blood pressure, leading to narrowed blood vessels and reduced blood flow to the brain. Nicotine can also bind to receptors in the brain, altering neurotransmitter levels and contributing to addiction. Long-term tobacco use can have detrimental effects on cognitive function and increase the risk of developing neurological disorders.

Does the tobacco plant contain both nicotine and tar?

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The tobacco plant naturally produces nicotine, which is a stimulant found in cigarettes. Tar is not produced by the plant itself, but forms as a residue when tobacco is burned.

Is tobacco a fruit or vegetable?

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It is a fruit because the seeds are outside the part you eat,(or smoke)

No, Fruit is classified as having the seeds inside. A tomato is a fruit, as a peach is, and a watermelon, Vegetables are the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers like in broccoli and cauliflower. So, to answer the question correctly tobacco as it is consumed most often (the leaves) is a vegetable. That is unless you are consuming the seed pod, then you would be consuming the fruit portion of the plant. Thank you, ...............Hold the applause.......

What role did the people from Jamestown play?

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The people from Jamestown played a significant role in the early colonization of America as they established the first permanent English settlement in 1607. They faced numerous challenges, including conflict with Native Americans, disease, and harsh living conditions, but their perseverance laid the foundation for future English settlements in America. Their experiences also shaped early American history, contributing to the development of representative government and the spread of English culture in the New World.

Tobacco or alcohol which one is worse on plants?

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Tobacco is typically worse on plants than alcohol. Tobacco plants produce nicotine, which can be harmful to surrounding plant life through its toxic effects in the soil. Alcohol, on the other hand, may have less direct impact on plants unless it is in very high concentrations.

Is tobacco a mixture?

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in most cigarettes there are mixtures of different types. American cigarette tobacco is usually Kentucky burley or tn86 literally soaked with extra nicotine, other extra chemicals, recon(stituted) tobacco is added, which refers literally to dust and debris sweeped up off the floor and sometimes even cocoa to make the smoke smell different. as for cigars, a blend as it's referred to, will offer greatly higher quality tobacco from all over the world, 100% hand made and additive free. yes cigar boxes have a warning saying they are not a healthy alternative to cigarettes, but they do in fact contain less harmful chemicals and other useless additives.

Chemical name for Tobacco Mosaic Virus?

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Acetyl seryl tyrosyl seryl iso leucyl threonyl seryl prolyl seryl­glutaminyl phenyl alanyl valyl phenyl alanyl leucyl seryl seryl valyl­tryptophyl alanyl aspartyl prolyl isoleucyl glutamyl leucyl leucyl­asparaginyl valyl cysteinyl threonyl seryl seryl leucyl glycyl­asparaginyl glutaminyl phenyl alanyl glutaminyl threonyl glutaminyl­glutaminyl alanyl arginyl threonyl threonyl glutaminyl valyl­glutaminyl glutaminyl phenyl alanyl seryl glutaminyl valyl tryptophyl­lysyl prolyl phenyl alanyl prolyl glutaminyl seryl threonyl valyl­arginyl phenyl alanyl prolyl glycyl aspartyl valyl tyrosyl lysyl valyl­tyrosyl arginyl tyrosyl asparaginyl alanyl valyl leucyl aspartyl­prolyl leucyl isoleucyl threonyl alanyl leucyl leucyl glycyl threonyl­phenyl alanyl aspartyl threonyl arginyl asparaginyl arginyl isoleucyl­isoleucyl glutamyl valyl glutamyl asparaginyl glutaminyl glutaminyl­seryl prolyl threonyl threonyl alanyl glutamyl threonyl leucyl­aspartyl alanyl threonyl arginyl arginyl valyl aspartyl aspartyl­alanyl threonyl valyl alanyl isoleucyl arginyl seryl alanyl asparaginyl­isoleucyl asparaginyl leucyl valyl asparaginyl glutamyl leucyl valyl­arginyl glycyl threonyl glycyl leucyl tyrosyl asparaginyl glutaminyl­asparaginyl threonyl phenyl alanyl glutamyl seryl methionyl seryl­glycyl leucyl valyl tryptophyl threonyl seryl alanyl prolyl alanyl­serine

What are the flowers of the sea?

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"Sea anemones" are often referred to as the "flowers of the sea" due to their colorful appearance and resemblance to terrestrial flowers. These marine animals are known for their vibrant hues and delicate tentacles that sway with the currents, giving them a flower-like quality.

Will alcohol and tobacco have an adverse effect on seed germination?

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Alcohol and tobacco can have adverse effects on seed germination due to their chemical compositions, which may inhibit germination by impacting seed respiration and metabolism. It is recommended to avoid exposing seeds to these substances to promote successful germination.

How did Tabocco save the Jamestown Colony?

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Tobacco saved the Jamestown Colony by becoming its cash crop. John Rolfe successfully cultivated a sweeter strain of tobacco that became popular in Europe, leading to increased profits for the colony and helping it establish a stable economic foundation.

Can hickeys cause cancer?

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No, Cancer is a disease, hickeys are nothing more than burst capillaries that have released the blood to the skin surface similar to a bruise. While they may be sore or unsightly, they will cause no lasting effects.

Why does most people complain about other people using tobacco?

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People often complain about others using tobacco due to the health risks associated with smoking and secondhand smoke. Additionally, the smell of tobacco smoke can be unpleasant for non-smokers. Public health initiatives and regulations have been put in place to reduce tobacco use and exposure, which may contribute to the negative perceptions of tobacco use.

Why do farmers still get subsidies for Tobacco?

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Asked by N2146X

Farmers may still receive subsidies for growing tobacco due to historical farming practices, economic policies, and political influences. Tobacco subsidies help support rural economies and maintain farm stability in regions where tobacco production plays a significant role. However, there is ongoing debate about the appropriateness of subsidizing tobacco farming due to health concerns and changing consumer preferences.

Smoking kills more people than alcohol AIDS car accidents illegal drugs murders and suicides combined?

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Smoking is a leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide, with numerous health risks, such as cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. It is important for individuals to quit smoking and for public health initiatives to promote awareness about the dangers of smoking.

Tobacco smoke paralyzes and kills?

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Tobacco smoke contains harmful chemicals that can paralyze the cilia in the respiratory tract, impairing their ability to clear mucus and particles. Over time, this can lead to a buildup of toxins and increase the risk of respiratory infections and diseases, ultimately leading to serious health complications or even death. It is important to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke to protect your respiratory health.

How do tobacco companies encourage teen tobacco use?

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Tobacco companies have been known to target teens through marketing strategies that appeal to their lifestyle, such as sponsoring events and using bright, eye-catching packaging. They may also offer flavored tobacco products that appeal to younger audiences and use social media influencers to promote their products to a younger demographic.

Survey about smoking?

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Smoking is a harmful habit that can lead to serious health issues, including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. It is important to educate individuals about the risks of smoking and provide support for those looking to quit. Smoking cessation programs, counseling, and nicotine replacement therapies can help individuals successfully stop smoking and improve their overall health.

How many tobacco companies are there in the world?

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There are thousands of tobacco companies worldwide, but the largest ones include Philip Morris International, British American Tobacco, and Japan Tobacco International.

How many women in the world smoke tobacco?

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Approximately 200 million women worldwide smoke tobacco. This number is projected to increase if current trends continue.

How many people smoke tobacco in England?

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In 2019, around 14.1% of adults in England smoked cigarettes. This equated to approximately 6.9 million people.