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Newborn babies would quickly be blinded from retinal damage due to the eyes' inability to control the amount of light that reaches the retina.

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Q: What could possible happen if the pupillary reflex did not exist?
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What does possible?

Possible means that it could happen.

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What will happen if the reflex action do not work?

If the reflex action does not work, it could indicate a problem in the nervous system. This could result in difficulties with motor control and coordination, as well as a decreased ability to respond quickly to potentially dangerous stimuli. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional in order to determine the cause and appropriate treatment for the lack of reflex action.

Why is it advantageous for a person that the impulse passes through the reflex arc first before it is relayed to the brain?

One example is touching something very hot that might burn you: the reflex can pull the hand away from the hot object much quicker than the brain could decide if it was dangerously hot and pull the hand away. This reduces exposure to the heat and possible severity of any burn that might happen. Of course the brain could then decide to risk touching the hot object again to better determine if it is actually dangerously hot or if the reflex just overreacted.

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that is not possible could not happen

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What does possible mean?

The chance of something happening.

When could a reflex action be a disadvantages?

A reflex action could be a disadvantage in situations where it overrides a more thought-out response that may be more appropriate for the specific situation, leading to unintended consequences or harm. Additionally, reflex actions might not always be accurate or effective in dealing with complex or novel situations that require higher-level cognitive processing.

Can a man get custody of a child that's not his if the mother wants the child?

It's certainly possible that this could happen, yes. It's not terribly likely to happen unless the mother is deemed unfit. But it could happen.