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It is more likely to pass right through than impact anything as most of the asteroid belt is empty space.

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Q: What could the results be of an impact of space junk and asteroids into the asteroid belt?
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Related questions

How do meteors get knocked out of the asteroid belt?

There are collisions between asteroids, which can knock asteroids and asteroid fragments into different orbits. Some asteroids may not have originated in the asteroid belt.

Where could asteroids be found?

In the asteroid belt. It is found between Mars and Jupiter.

Do asteroid belts have a purpose?

no they don't the asteroids could fly everywhere and I would not care

Why do some asteroids leave there orbit?

They could be knocked out of orbit by being hit from a comet, or a 'rogue' asteroid that's not part of the asteroid belt.

Why is the asteroid belt a problem for space travel?

It could be if one were to intersect the path of an asteroid. However the asteroids may also be a great source of raw materials.

How will the world be when the asteroid falls on earth?

Which asteroid? depending on its size, an asteroid impact could be devastating for life on Earth, though life would recover somehow eventually.

Will volcanic activity be changed due to a asteroid?

A significant impact to the planet from a large enough asteroid could cause volcanic eruptions.

Why do astronomers search for near earth asteroids?

Near-Earth asteroids have some potential to collide with Earth. The effects of an impact, even from a relatively small asteroid, could be devastating. So, scientists are working to find objects that might collide with Earth. If one is shown to be a substantial danger, then strategies for deflecting it to miss earth may be discussed.

Is there such thing as a loch ness monster?

I think there is because scientists said it's a dinosaur called Plesiosaurs and they live in the water so, a very few could POSSIBLY survive from the asteroid impact 65 million years ago. They could have dived deep into the water to avoid asteroids hitting them.

What happened when an asteroid hits the Earth?

depending on the size it could destroy the planet or impact in the water and not do much. It all depends on the size of said asteroid!

How can you stop an asteroid from hitting earth?

Small asteroids can be deflected by explosives (ordinary or nuclear) if they are far enough away. The problem is getting the explosives there. Asteroids travel at orbital speeds of thousands of kilometers an hour, and a large rocket would be required to reach the asteroid and match its speed, so that it could rendezvous and detonate. Hitting an asteroid with a head-on shot would be extremely difficult if not impossible, and could result in a shower of smaller pieces hitting the Earth.

How might asteroids be valuable?

Asteroids contain valuable heavy metals such as palladium, gold, rhodium, platinum, iridium etc. Surveys have deduced that the asteroid 241 Germania could yield profits of up to $95 trillion, that's just one of 600,000 asteroids surveyed for composition.