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Q: What countries are a part of the allied powers in June 1941?
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When did join the allied powers?

As soon as Germany invaded Russia in June 1941.

When did USSR join the allied powers?

As soon as Germany invaded Russia in June 1941.

What country compromised the allied powers?

In World War II the chief Allied Powers were Great Britain, France (except during the German occupation, 1940-44), the Soviet Union (after its entry in June 1941), the United States (after its entry on Dec. 8-11, 1941), and China.

Who was allied with Russia during WWi?

In World War II the chief Allied powers were Great Britain, France (except during the German occupation, 1940–44), the Soviet Union (after its entry in June 1941), the United States (after its entry on December 8, 1941), and China.

When did axis powers invade Russia?

22, June 1941

What western European country was not occupied or allied with Nazi Germany between June 1940-June 1941?

Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland

The Treaty of Versailles did what?

It ended the war between Germany and the allied Powers, 28th June 1919

When did Russia no longer support the axis powers?

When the German Wehrmacht invaded them in June, 1941.

What were the 5 allied nations in World War 2?

There were more than 5 allied nations in WWII but the 5 main nations were Great Britain, China, France (was defeated by Germany in June 1940, but later joined with allies again), the Soviet Union (from June 1941) and the United States (from December 1941).

The complicated Allied invasion to take Europe back from the Axis Powers began in?

Your mothers bedroom

What are the major countries that made up the allied powers?

In World War Two the "Allied" Powers fought and defeated the "Axis" powers. The major powers that led the "Allies" were France (later called the Free French), Great Britain (& Commonwealth nations), China, United States, and the Soviet Union. There were dozens of other Allied Powers that played various roles, such as Poland, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Yugoslavia, and Greece. The major "Axis" Powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan. I would add Vichy France to the list of major powers opposing the Allies. Also the Soviet Union helped the Axis from 1939 until 22 June 1941 when it was attacked by Germany & other minor Axis powers.

Who was a part of the treaty of Versailles?

Germany and the Allied Powers that fought against Germany during World War I were part of the Treaty of Versailles. The peace treaty was signed in June of 1919. Some of the Allied Powers were the United States, France, Italy, Japan, and the British Empire.