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Q: What countries cant interpol arrest you in?
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What is Interpol arrest authority and where do they get it from?

Interrpol has no arrest powers, within or without members countries. Chiefly, they act as clearinghouse for criminal activities and suspects.

How many countries are in Interpol?

Interpol has 188 member countries. See the link below for a list of those countries.

Is European arrest warrant effective outside Europe in Asian countries?

If the two nations concerned have extradition treaties with one another, or they are both members of INTERPOL, yes.

Can Interpol come in to the US and arrest someone?

INTERPOL is not a law enforcement agency, it is a multi-national treaty organization that collects data on criminals from member countries and will provide any nation with the records regarding crimes and crimminals form other nations. It is more of an international police database that provides information through international cooperation. Once a nation's national police uses the information gathered by INTERPOL, it is up to the nation in which the crimminal is in to make the arrest. Source:

How does Interpol catch fugitives?

Interpol does not have police officers to apprehend fugitives. Interpol collects information on crime and criminals reported by member countries which it maintains in a data base which is accessible to member countries. Interpol also acts as intermediary between countries to assist their law enforcement agencies, especially member countries that don't have diplomatic relations. Interpol also trains law enforcement personnel of member countries law enforcement agencies, which is vitally important for countries that don't have the means to train in the most modern police methods and types of crimes and criminal activity.

Which countries are not members of interpol?

is Russia and Israel members

How much do interpol agents make?

Sorry to tell you this but, INTERPOL does not have agents. That is something that Hollywood does to make their movies more interesting. Sorry.

Who funds Interpol?

Most of Interpol's funding comes from the member countries themselves, with each nation contributing a portion. When possible, Interpol shares funds seized from illegal operations.

What is the number of Interpol personnel employed?

Interpol has approximately 650 staff members from 89 different countries employed at the Interpol General Secretariat in Lyon France, seven Regional Bureaus and Liaison offices around the world.

What happens if out on o r but cant make it to court?

Warrant for your arrest will be issued.Warrant for your arrest will be issued.Warrant for your arrest will be issued.Warrant for your arrest will be issued.

How many interpol members?

there is 188 member countries in interpol but if you mean agents, nobody (except maybe a computer) knows that number, but we do know there is more than 550

What is interpolation?

Interpol is the world's largest international police organization. 188 member countries cooperate to track and arrest international criminals. Their most important functions are to provide secure communications between member countries on criminal activities, maintain a data base of information on international criminals and criminal activity for access by member countries, support police operations by member countries, and police training and development for member countries. Interpol's six priority crime areas: Illegal drugs and drug trafficking Public safety and terrorism Financial and high tech crime Trafficking in human beings Tracking fugitives Fighting corruption by enforcing the rule of law