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Israel (which was once called Canaan. See Exodus 3:8).

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Q: What countries originate from Judaism?
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Did Judaism originate from Palestine?

No, the regional designation of "Palestine" was not invented by the Romans over 1000 years after Judaism came into existence. Judaism originated in Cana'an.

What empire did Judaism originate?

Abraham was born in the Babylonian city of Ur.

When did the Jewish people originate?

Abraham founded Judaism 3700 years ago.

How long ago did Judaism originate?

According to tradition, it was 3800 years ago.

Which religion is not originated in India?

Islam did not originate in India. Christianity did not. Judaism did not. Baha'i did not. Zoroastrianism did not.

Where does Judaism dominant?

In Israel, where Judaism is 75% of the population.

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What countries have followers of Judaism?

The TIME/Britannica 2010 Almanac lists a number for the adherents of Judaism who live in 135 countries, and total 0.2% of the world's population.