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Not usually, though there is a grassroots movement to get it labeled.

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Q: What countries require genetically modified foods to be labeled?
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Why aren't genetically modified foods labled?

GMO foods are not labeled because the FDA does not require them to be labeled. They consider them to be "substantially equivalent" to non-GMO foods, so they don't feel there is a need to label them, even though a large percentage of consumers want them to be labeled.

Are GM crops safer than others?

In a way, yes. Genetically modified crops generally require less chemical application. ie, crops that have been modified to be resistant to pests do not require the application of pesticides or require fewer applications.

Should genetically modified organisms require labels?

A large percentage of consumers believe GMO foods should be labeled. Most are not aware that some pharmaceutical medicines are produced from GMOs or that cross-pollination has resulted in organic and non-GMO foods often having a small percentage of GMOs.

How are genetically modified plants used to reduce world hunger and malnutrition?

Genetically modified plants have been created to be as large and healthy as they possibly can. For example, there is a formula for corn that makes them have larger kernels and are generally more resilient to bugs and other problems like drought. Basically they yield more food to consume and require less effort to grow.

How are genetically modified bacteria grown?

Just like any other bacteria. It depends on its growth requirements. They don't usually require anything extra unless engineered to need a particular nutrient. Agar would be the most common media used to grow bacteria and probably genetically engineered bacteria too.

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What is one negative environmental impact of using genetically modified corn?

the bad stuff they put on them to keep from animals/insects from eating them. The stuff that they put on the corn may affect how much corn will be grown, and how healthy our earth is. Yes i am a tree hugger<3

What kind of shop does not require workers to join a union?

A modified union

What kind of behavior is genetically preprogrammed?

Instinctual behaviors, such as reflexes and some animal mating rituals, are believed to be genetically preprogrammed. These behaviors are innate and do not require learning or prior experience to be expressed.

What kind of shop does not require workers to join a union but allows them to choose to do so?

The answer is: Modified Union

What countries require a return ticket?

Turken languages are used in sppanish speaking countries

What countries require the most fossil fuels?

Developed countries with lots of population and industry.