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cholera affects the countries which have poverty & cannot afford clean water.

ie India Brazil and Peru.

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The two countries that suffer from cholera are Anglo and India.

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Anglo and India

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Dimas Azka

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What is Anglo??

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Q: What countries still get infected with cholera?
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Did Cholera affect other country then London?

First, London is a city, not a country. And yes, Cholera can be found in almost all countries if sanitation is not adequate or water has been infected.

How does cholera get passed on from one infected person to another?

Cholera spread by fecal oral route. So cholera mainly spreads through infected water source. It may spread by houseflies and by hands through contamination of food articles.

A sentence for cholera?

My great great grandmother was infected with cholera on the Oregon Trail because she drank dirty water.

What is meant by the word 'carrier' as it relates to cholera?

infected person

Are people still being affected by cholera?

Cholera is still common in developing countries. It is common to get the patients of cholera like syndrome in your clinical practice and at times of severe case of cholera. The picture has changed on positive side over last three decades, due to improved sanitation and public awareness of water born diseases.

What are some possible sources of cholera?

In developing countries you have many asymptomatic carriers of cholera to spread the same. In developed countries, undercooked sea food is usually the source of cholera.

What are the causes and symptoms of cholera?

You get cholera by drinking infected water or food. Cholera is caused by vibrio choleare bacteria. Vomiting, few times fallowed by profuse watery diarrhoea are the symptoms of the cholera. Typically there is rice water stool.

Does an infected person with cholera cough?

They don't cough, they vomit. Unless you mean coughing up. Cholera is dehyrdration of the system linked to diahrea and vomiting.

Why do you get cholera?

Cholera is a horrible disease that you catch from constantly drinking dirty water. It is very common in poor countries, escpecially African Countries.

Why is clean water so important?

So that you won't get infected or sick. e.g. cholera (?)

Is cholera a bacterial disease?

Yes, Cholera is an infectious, diarrheal disease of the small intestine caused by the bacterium, Vibrio cholera. Cholera can be spread through infected food or water and is usually a minor infection without any symptoms, however sometimes it can be dangerous.

Who are the main victims of cholera?

Poor people living in slums of developing countries are prone to get cholera.