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Q: What country are earthquake proof buildings?
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Who invented earthquake resistant buildings?

The person who invented earthquake proof buildings was called Proffessor Boermel

How do they earthquake proof buildings?

The build the buildings up strong and they make sure that the doorways are nice and sturdy

How has architects tried to design earthquake proof high rise buildings?

because they make it earth quake proof dummy

Are japans buildings earthquake proof?

Engineers in Japan design the buildings with the understanding of the frequency and intensity of earthquakes. They build the buildings to move with the motion of earthquakes so they will not crumble.

Why is this important for us to identify ares which are prone to earthquake?

So as to avoid them. So as to make building regulations requiring buildings to be earthquake proof. So as to know where emergency resources ma need to be deployed.

Related questions

Why does a underedevolped country suffer more from earthquake?

They can't afford to have earthquake proof buildings and so suffer more

Why are earthquake proof buildings only found in some earthquake prone areas?

Earthquake proof buildings are more expensive to build. Some people do not have the extra money.

Who invented earthquake resistant buildings?

The person who invented earthquake proof buildings was called Proffessor Boermel

How do earthquake prone countries prepare for earthquakes?

they use earthquake kits, MEDCs build earthquake proof buildings and use earthquake proof tables.

Why did some of the buildings survive the Kobe earthquake and some did'NT?

because buildings built after 1960 were earthquake proof

Where would it be of most importance to have earthquake proof buildings?


What countries have earthquake proof buildings?

japan, and haiti nowadays.

Are most buildings around the world earthquake proof?

no, i don't think that all buildings around the world are earthquake proof because not all earth quakes are all over the world.

What goes into earthquake proof buildings?

Earthquake-proof buildings incorporate features such as reinforced concrete frames, base isolation systems, damping devices, and flexible building materials to absorb and dissipate seismic forces. Proper design and construction techniques, as well as adherence to building codes and regulations, are crucial in ensuring a building's resilience to seismic events. Regular maintenance and inspections are also important to uphold the structural integrity of the building over time.

Why do people build earthquake proof buildings?

So that they/their items are not destroyed.

How do they earthquake proof buildings?

The build the buildings up strong and they make sure that the doorways are nice and sturdy

Should laws say that buildings built near faults must be earthquake proof explain?

They all do have laws for making a building earthquake proof.