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Q: What country could be said to form a steep stairway to the Himalaya?
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Related questions

What would be a sentence of stairway?

The stairway was steep. I avoided the dark stairway.

What does Nepal form a stairway to?

Nepal forms a steep stairway to the worlds highest mountain range mount Everest

Why is Nepal referred as a steep stairway?

Because nepal is nice and beautiful country but nepali people is not perfect, the don't have confedent won self, the want to depend other people and other countrys.

Why are locks important?

They allow vessels to traverse waterways that would be too steep otherwise. Imagine an elevator (lock) as opposed to a stairway (rapids).

What is dividing the coastal plain from the the rest of the country?

steep mountains

How do you use the word coil in a sentence?

Heres a sentence: As the mass murderer climbed up the steep stairway to kill the children, little Jerry was coiled up in a ball in the corner of his room. Thats all I can think of!

Why are rivers in japan steep?

More than 70 percent of the country is occupied by mountains

What is the opposite of steep?

For a slope, the opposite of steep would be gentle, or gradual. For a cost, the opposite could be reasonable or low. Steep has a couple of definitions. A hill is steep when it has a pronounced incline. Steep also means to soak in liquid to extract flavor or to soften. When we steep tea in a tea pot, we take the infusor, which is full of the tea leaves, and put it into the hot water. It will steep there for several minutes to permit the water to extract the flavor from the tea so we may drink it.

What has long narrow valley with steep sides?

That could be a ravine or a gully

What type or mountain is K2?

K2 is a mountain in the Karakoram Range, which is part of the greater Himalaya range. It is known as the second-highest mountain in the world after Mount Everest. K2 is a challenging peak to climb due to its steep terrain and unpredictable weather conditions.

What sort of plants could you use to fill a steep roadside drainage ditch zone 5?

Many highway departments use crown vetch along steep hillsides.

How could rivers form Submarine canyons?

The submarne canyon is very steep-sidded.