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Q: What country did albert Einstein run for president?
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Who will run the country if the president and the vice president die at the same time?

The Speaker of the house will become President.

Why do you have presidents?

Someone has to run the nation. The president is the person of the people. Without the president, who is going to think through all of the bills passed by congress? No one. Without the president, the country would be in turmoil because without a leader, the people are nothing.

Can a president could run again after his term?

If he has only run once, he can run for a second term. However, If he has run twice, he cannot become president a third time.

Can a president run again if they served 4 years but try again and lose?

yes. two term limit, does not have to be back to back. Technically it's 10 years. A vice president that takes office in the event the president can no longer run the country can run for office an additional 2 terms UNLESS he took power prior to the 2nd complete year of the prior president. If the elected president can no longer remain in power and the vice president takes over the office before the second year into that term he can only run for office himself once.

When can a vice president run for office?

A candidate for vice president of the U.S. does not run separately. The VP candidate is selected as a running mate by the candidate for president, and they run as a team. Back in the beginning, they did run separately: the person with the most votes was president, and the one with the second most was vice president. That system didn't last very long; rivals who'd fought for election didn't usually team up too well. (But it could happen within a party!) A VP can run for president later if the person's party selects him or her as the candidate or if the person decides to run independently.

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Whose theory of relativity replaced Newtons comforting belief in a world run by absolute laws of motion and gravity?

Albert Einstein:)

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The president.

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the president

Whose theory of relativity replaced newtons comforting beliefs in a world run by absolute laws of motion and gravity?

Albert Einstein:)

What country was run by president Truman?

President Truman was a President of the United States.

What does the president do of Australia?

We have a Prime Minister, not a president and they basicly run the country.

Who was the first catholic to run for president but lost to herbert hoover?

Albert E. Smith of New York was the first Catholic to run for president. He ran against Hoover in 1928.

What is the difference between a country run by a king or president?

A president is elected wheras a king is put in charge because either his mother or father were king or queen, of because he is invited to be king for other reasons. A country run by a king is called a monarchy. A country can have a king and not be run by a king, or queen. Then it may be a democratic country as well as a monarchy. Great Britain is a good example of this. A country run by a president usually claims to be a democracy or republic. However, a country can be run by a person called a president but actually be a dictatorship.

Who was the only president that didn't run for president or vice president'?

There have been several. It depends which country you are referring to.

Who will run the country if the president and the vice president die at the same time?

The Speaker of the house will become President.

Who can give legal permission to a person not born in the country but naturalized as an American citizen to run for president?

The former president of the country.

How can you get your own country?

Run for president or find a mysterious island