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Gestapo was Adolf Hitler's Nazis Germany's name for their secret police.

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Q: What country does the word gestapo come from?
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How do you use the word Gestapo in a sentence?

(Gestapo is Geheime Staatspolizei -- State Secret Police in Nazi Germany) During World War II, the Gestapo investigated those suspected of treason or disloyalty. The dissenters claimed that the government was using Gestapo tactics to prevent their protests.

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Gestapo is an acronym for what?

At that time the Germans often created words (acronyms of sorts) based on syllables. Gestapo stands for 'Geheimne Staatspolizei', which means 'Secret State Police', if translated literally. It was founded in 1933, and by about 1936 the word had come to denote the entire Nazi terror apparatus.

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