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Q: What country has the tradition of Christmas pudding?
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What country has a Christmas tradition of leaving rice pudding for Julemander?

Sadia Arabia's tradition on Christmas is to leave rice pudding for Julemander.

What is traditionally found hidden in Christmas pudding?

In England, if follwing tradition you would place a silver sixpence in the pudding.

What country does Christmas pudding come from?


Why do you make Christmas pudding?

Because after Christmas dinner, everyone would be very full. They may not want to eat the pudding. So the Christmas pudding can last for a long time- that way nothing goes to waste!

The tradition for putting sixpence in Christmas pudding?

boil the money in a saucepan full of water on the stove

What country does the tradition of having a Christmas tree?


Why do you eat Christmas pudding at Christmas?

For some people, it is merely a tradition they learned from their ancestors before them. For others, it is a choice simply because they enjoy it.

Where is rice pudding with a single almond eaten on Christmas eve is it Italy Norway or Austria?

Its a Danish (Denmark) tradition

Who introduced Christmas pudding?

It was an English tradition - a way of using up fruit that was spare (after drying it), old breadcrumbs and odd liquors. It's a very old tradition.

When did it become a tradition to eat turkey on Christmas day?

I didn't think it was. We always had roast beef and yorkshire pudding or ham.

Which country gave us the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree?

Germany gave us the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree.

What country the gift exchange tradition?

It is a tradition to exchange gifts on Christmas in the United States.