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Q: What country invented the solar calendar that has 365 days in a year?
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How does a 12-month lunar calendar differ from your 12-month solar calendar?

Th lunar calendar is about 11 days shorter.

What two calendars did the Aztec's use?

One was a lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon. Priests used this calendar to determine religious days and lucky days. The other was a solar calendar,based on the movement of the sun. It's similar to the calendar we use today

How often does the Islamic calendar synchronize with the solar year?

The term "synchronize" is unclear. The Islamic Calendar has a year of only 354 days, so it can never be the same length as a solar year (usually calculated with the Gregorian Calendar with an average of years length of 365.24 days). However, the date on the Islamic Calendar and on the Gregorian Calendar will correlate every 34 Islamic Calendar Years which correspond to 33 Gregorian Calendar Years.

How many days were there in the ancient calendar?

The earliest recorded in ancient history calendar was the "Egyptian calendar" around 4236 B.C.E. They devised a 365-day calendar basing on the moon's cycles or what is called the solar calendar.

How many days are in the American calendar?

In the Gregorian Calendar, which is the calendar currently used in every American country, 75.75% of the years have 365 days each, and 24.25% of the years have 366 days each, making the average calendar year 365.2425 days.

Do all countries use the same calendar?

The Gregorian calendar is the internationally accepted civil calendar. It was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII. But there are other types of unofficial calenders used by some groups of people around the world. * Calenders have public/bank/mercantile holidays marked on them specific to that country. * In Sri Lanka, calendars have Full moon days marked on them, because Full moon days are public holidays. * Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, incorporating elements of a lunar calendar with those of a solar calendar. * Islamic (Muslim/Hijri) calendar is a lunar calendar, used to date events in Muslim countries, by Muslims to determine the days to celebrate Islamic holy days and festivals. no,. because in my country there are lot of islands and its used a different calender from each island to the other islands

Is the solar day longest in July or January?

Solar days are the times of days that are tracked on the calendar. The days are longest in December and June at the solstices, not in January or July.

How did aryabhata know there were 356.358 days in a solar yea?

they knew because they had a calendar to help them out and keep date

Why did Julius Caesar add days to the year 46 BC?

Julius Caesar and Augustus did not add two months to the year named after them. The original calendar established by Romulus, the first king of Rome, in the mid-8th century (the Romulean calendar) had ten months. Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome, reformed the calendar in the late 8th or early 7th century BC. He added two months. It is called by historians the calendar of Numa). The names of the two months named after Julius Caesar and Augustus in the Julian calendar replaced previous names. This was done for their glory. It was also done within the framework of a calendar reform. Julius Caesar reformed the Roman calendar, switching from a lunar one to a solar one.