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The Dominican Republic is famous for the dance the merengue.

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Q: What country is famous for the dance merengue?
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Related questions

How do you spell merengue?

Merengue is correct, but so is meringue. Merengue is used as the spelling in the originating country of the dance, the Dominican Republic. To be different the neighboring country, Haiti, decided to use the spelling meringue.

When do you dance merengue?

Dance it at festivales I think

What is El merengue?


When do people dance the merengue?

People dance the merengue wherever they like. This dance has been performed in movies, at weddings, and in the privacy of ones home.

Famous merengue dancers?

Merengue is a dance form that comes from the Dominican Republic. It involves two people mimicking each other's movements, generally while holding hands. Some famous merengue dancers include Ita y Ito, Miriam Cruz, and Joseito Mateo.

Where does maranga the dance come from?

The merengue is a dance that originated in the Dominican Republic. In the mid-1900's Rafael Trajillo, the dictator of the Dominican Republic, made the merengue the country's national dance and music. I'm sure wikipedia has a section on it so you can check that out if you want.

Where did the merengue start?

The merengue dance first started in the year of 1927. It is best known as the national dance for the Dominican Republic.

How can one learn to do the Merengue dance?

Merengue is a type of dance which originated in the Dominican Republic. It is a fast style of dance which is done with a partner. One can take lessons at a local dance studio or they can also watch instructional videos to help learn the Merengue.

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What is the main dance of the Dominican Republic?

Well, there are over 60 dances but the national dance is if my memory serves me corect i believe it's la macarana.

Does Peru have a famous dance?

Merengue is the most common dance in the cities and I would say the most famous. Marinera, a coastal dance, is often called the "dance of Peru." Also, the indigenous dances are still practiced and are quite popular among the Quechua.

When was the merengue dance introduced to Jamaica?