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Q: What country is la ciudad de panama the capital of?
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Cual es la capital de panama?

The capital of Panama is Panama City. It is located near the entrance of the Pacific Ocean to the Panama Canal on the Gulf of Panama. Panama City is bounded by water, which is where it got it's name, as Panama means 'many fish.' It was founded in the year 1519.

This Central American country's capital is Guatemala?

Guatemala City (Spanish: Ciudad de Guatemala) is the capital of the country of Guatemala.

What does ciudad de panama mean in English?

It means "Panama City".

What is ciudad de Guatemala the capital of?

"La Ciudad de Guatemala" IS the capital of Guatemala. In English it is called "Guatemala City."

What is the capital of South American Country that touches Panama?

Columbia is the South American country that borders Panama. The capital of Columbia is Santa Fe de Bogotá.

How do you say Panama Canal in spanish?

Panamanian in spanish is panameño. Don't forget the tilde!!

Cuál es la capital de Luxemburgo?

La capital de Luxemburgo es Ciudad de Luxemburgo.

Cuál es el capital de Australia?

El capital de Australia es la ciudad de Canberra.

What is the capitol of Panama in Spanish?

Cuidad de Panama is Panama City in Spanish.

Cual esla capital de la ciudad de Mexico?

La capital de México es la Ciudad de México. Es la ciudad más grande del país y sede de los poderes ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial.

What are five national monuments in Panama?

There are many national monuments located in Panama. These include the Panama Canal, Amador Causeway, Avenida Balboa, Ciudad de Panama and Bridge of the Americas.

Cual es la capital de Guatemala?

the capital of Guatemala is Guatemala city.