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Q: What country other than US celebrates thanksgiving?
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What is a country other than North America that celebrates Halloween?

The United Kingdom.

Do they celebrate Thanksgiving in Venezuela?

The same thing as in any Christian Church it celebrates the birth of Jesus.

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what country celebrates christmas on a differnt day than december 25

What other countries aside from the US celebrate Thanksgiving?

Both the United States and Canada celebrate what is called "Thanksgiving Day." However the name similarity, the dates of and meanings behind both country's celebrations are different.

When is Thanksgiving celebrated in countries other than the US?

Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in America because of the help offered to the new settlers by the Indians their first winter here. Other countries do not celebrate Thanksgiving since the historic basis is unique to America, but there may be similar holidays where other countries celebrate what they are thankful for.

When does Europe celebrate Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving Day is not celebrated anywhere other than the US.

Does Spain celebrate Thanksgiving?

Spain is a lively, reverent country when it comes to public celebration. There is a separate holiday for each patron saint and in cities such as Madrid the Barcelona the festivals and holidays include extended processions, bull fighting, pilgrimages, costume competitions, and tinseled fiestas. Lasting for weeks at a time, some of the more popular holidays in Spain weave celebration with history, paying homage to legendary martyrs and iconic saints.

What two countries other than us celebrates Valentine's Day?

Europe & Sweden

Who also celebrates Saint Patrick's Day other than the irish and african?

Almost everyone

Do the Bahamas celebrate Halloween?

Yes. Trick o Treating, Halloween and Costume parties and Haunted Houses. The Bahamas celebrates many of the Western World holidays, other than those specific to The USA, like Thanksgiving and Memorial Day. The Bahamas celebrates Christmas, Easter and Indepenence day, however, the Bahamas' Independence is on July 10th, not the 4th. The Bahamas also celebrates Columbus Day as Christopher Columbus discovered San Salvador (one of the islands in the Bahamas) before heading to the Americas.

Do more people celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving?

Christmas Answer: Although more money is spent on Christmas than Thanksgiving (food + gifts vs. food), more people celebrate Thanksgiving (a secular holiday) than Christmas ( a Christian religious holiday.)

What do you celebrate on Independence Day?

An Independence Day celebrates the freedom of the people of a country to make their own governments, to run their own society rather than be ruled by another country. In the US, July 4 celebrates the proclamation of the Declaration of Independence for the British colonies in America, on July 4, 1776.