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Johnny Paycheck-Outlaw's Prayer

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Q: What country song talks about a man getting kicked out of a church for looking like jesus?
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What is it called when a country get kicked out of church during the medieval times?

excommunication. It's still the same now.

What is it when someone is kicked out of a country?

I think the word you're probably looking for is some variation on "deportation."

Are Americans getting the stuffing kicked out of them in Iraq?

No, we are winning the war on terror. The iraqis are getting the "stuffing" kicked out of them.

How you know you getting abuse?

Your getting punched and our kicked

What is it called when you get kicked out of the Roman Catholic Church?


Why do i keep getting kicked off Maplestory every few minutes?

Actually, your not getting kicked, your just dc/ing (disconnecting)

When a person is kicked out of the catholic church what is the term that is used?


Could your country get kicked out the EU?

Your country could get kicked out of the European Union if you were voted out. More than likely this won't happen though.

Why'd nevershoutnever get kicked out of church?

Nevershoutnever, also known as Christofer Drew, was kicked out of church because of his unconventional appearance and musical style which conflicted with the traditional values and beliefs of the church. His music often contained themes that were seen as rebellious or controversial by some church members.

Tenant getting kicked out because owner forclosed how long can you live in property?

That depends on the State/Country you live in, but usually between 30-90 days.

Who was kicked out of the Massachusetts Bay colony for arguing with the church?

Roger Williams, the founder of the Rhode Island and the Baptist Church.

What does blue-jeaned sitter mean?

Blue-jeaned sitter means kicked in the butt hope my answer helps!