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Roger Williams, the founder of the Rhode Island and the Baptist Church.

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Q: Who was kicked out of the Massachusetts Bay colony for arguing with the church?
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Who got kicked out of the puritans colony?

Roger Williams was kicked out of Massachusetts for spreading "new and dangerous rumors".

What colony was set up by Roger Williams after he got kicked out of Massachusetts?

Roger Williams

How was a new England colony founded by a dissenter?

How one colony was founded by a dissenter is Roger Williams was outspoken by the minister of Salem,Massachusetts. He believed that the government should not punish people that have different believes than them,because of that he was kicked out of Massachusetts. After that he went to to some abandon territory built a colony and named it Providence.Later on the territory became a state called Rhode Island.

Why did Thomas Hooker and roger Williams leave the Massachusetts colony?

because he got kicked out for havinreligos pelefs

How was one new England colony founded by a dissenter?

When the Puritan built the colony in Massachusetts named it the Massachusetts Bay Colony .Many people from England came to Massachusetts Bay Colony so the can get away from the Church of England .They wanted religious freedom .But when they found out they had the same problem again ,they told the Puritans.Williams was one of them believed that the government should not punish people for ones beliefs .The Puritans was so angry , they kicked him out .In 1636, he found Rhode Island , and so on .

Why did John Winthrope lead the puritans?

He got kicked out of Massachusetts and he wanted to make the Church more PURE

Who started Rhode Island and why?

Roger williams started rhode island because he was kicked out of the massachusetts bay colony because of his beliefs

Why was anne hutchison kicked out of Massachusetts for?

Anne hutchinson was kicked out of massachusetts for religious reasons.

Who got kicked out of Massachusetts?

Roger Williams was kicked out of Massachusetts for spreading "new and dangerous rumors".

Did the Puritans found Massachusetts Bay Colony before or after Williams founded Providence Rhode Island?

The Puritans colonized and kicked Roger Williams out of their community. Then Roger Williams founded the colony of Rhode Island.

Why was Roger Williams kicked out of the colony?

Roger Williams left the Massachusetts colony over religious differences. He felt they were intolerant and proceded to found Rhode Island.

Why did roger Williams establish Rhode Island?

Roger Williams established Rhode Island because he was banished from Massachusetts. Roger Williams had spoken out against civil authorities in Massachusetts, which is why he was banished.