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The difference between the local mean time (LMT) of China's easternmost point and the LMT of its westernmost point is four hours and five minutes. Nevertheless, the Chinese government prefers to have one standard time throughout the whole country.

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Q: What country spans four time zones but has only one time?
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Which is the only state that spans four time zones?

There is no US state that officially spans more than 1 time zone.

Is there a country that has merged all their time zones into one?

Yes, there is such a country.China spans five time zones. However the Chinese have "joined" their five time zones together and use just one nationally. Which means some parts of the country don't get to see the sun rise until 10am in Chinese national time.Yes, countries that used to have multiple time zones but now have only one are...ArgentinaChinaMalaysiaMarshall Islands

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I don't have the actual figures on me but I know that Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world in terms of area. It only loses to Russia, which is the largest country and spans some 9 time zones. US, is third.

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The Russian Federation is approximately 5,700 miles east to west. It covers eleven time zones. The continental US covers only four time zones.

Is this statement true or false Russia spans 11 time zones when it is noon in Moscow it is 11 pm on Russia's Pacific coast?

This statement is false. Russia itself never covered 11 time zones. Only when the Soviet Union existed, then it was 11 zones. Currently Russia spans 9 time zones.

How many time zones are in the country Bulgaria?

Only one

How long does it take to drive across the country?

Not long if the country is something like the Vatican City which only covers 110 acres. Russia would be a horse of a different color since it covers 6,592,800 square miles. At the widest point, Russia spans 4,971 miles and 9 time zones.

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It is the only State which has all four climate zones, from desert to alpine!

Does everywhere on earth experience the four seasons?

No! Only the temperate and arctic zones have four seasons. The tropics instead have a dry season and a wet season.

Do all countries use time zones?

Yes, every country in the whole world uses time zones. But some countries are in only one time zone, like Greece

Can there be a twenty four hour time difference?

no. there are only twenty four differnet time zones so the most of a difference there can be is twelve hours either ahead or behind your time.

What are the four climate zones in africa?

Africa has four different climate types. The southern part of the country is a tropical rainforest. The tropical savanna climate covers most of western Nigeria and is drier than the rainforest. The Sahel climate is dry and only sees rainfall three to four months per year. The fourth type of climate is a desert climate and the rest of the country sees dry, hot climate.