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Q: What country was the site of ethnic tensions and a civil war between the Hutu and Tutsi in the 1990s?
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Which region experienced ethnic cleansing in the 1990s?

Rwanda in 1994 (Rwanda is a country in Africa)

What caused the violence in the balkans in the 1990s?

The violence in the Balkans in the 1990s was primarily caused by a combination of historical ethnic and religious tensions, the breakup of Yugoslavia, and the desire for self-determination among various ethnic groups. Nationalism, political manipulation, and the legacy of past conflicts also played significant roles in fueling the violence.

Ethnic groups in the former Yugoslavia continue to fight to?

Ethnic groups in the former Yugoslavia continue to fight due to historical animosities, political manipulation, and unresolved issues stemming from the breakup of the country in the 1990s. Deep-seated ethnic divisions, nationalist ideologies, and competition for territory also contribute to ongoing tensions and conflicts.

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ethnic conflict

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The cultural differences between Kosovo and Serbia arose from the Turkish conquest of Kosovo.

What is the Sarajevo effect?

"the fear of becoming entangled in ethnic and nationalist disputes". Sarajevo was besieged and effectively destroyed in the early 1990s because of ethnic cleansing actions by the Serbs in Bosnia. NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was obligated to defend Europe from aggression, but chose to avoid taking sides in the conflict. That choice was the result of fears that bringing in outside forces to resolve internal disputes, especially fighting as the result of ethnic or racial tensions, would result in a worsening of the conflict with no real benefit to any side. This "effect" is seen today in Darfur, Burma and other nation-states that are at war with themselves endlessly. No outside country has the will to intervene.

Who emerged as leading countries after World War 2?

The United States became the most influential democratic nation in the world. The Soviet Union became the world's most powerful Communist country. Tensions between the two groups led to a situation known as the Cold War, which lasted until the Soviet Union disintegrated in the early 1990s

Which statement describes a similarity between the international responses to ethnic violence in Rwanda and in Darfur during the 1990s and 2000s?

Answer this question… The United Nations failed to prevent large-scale genocide in both locations.

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The country was Russia